Author Topic: Survival: THE RE-loving-VIVAL (a text and ascii adventure game)  (Read 4009 times)


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and it has the best url too

But of course you can have a redux with out changing stuff!(well you could but that's boring) The text key will stay the same and the start will stay the same, if you say the same things as last time do not expect the same results. So lets change some rules

You can not kill yourself
You can not have super human strength or abilities

text key guide:
Grey:Grey means nothing interesting is happening.
Red:Some kind of fighting is happening.
Green:An item is found.
Blue:Something interesting is happening like trying to open a safe or strongbox, or plot advancing stuff.
Teal: You are speaking
Maroon: Someone else is talking

key for images:
lime green=wall
black=undiscovered area
White smiley=you
purple L=gun/pistol
hollow red smiley=dead person
light brown=wood cover/object
darkgrey=metal structure, cover, or cabinet
filled red smiley=enemy
Light grey smiley= unknown status person

Current Character stats:
Name: Ron Copperfield
hp: 100
condition: Fine
Damage resistance (points of damage lost to defense): 1
Current clothing : White tee shirt, tan cargo shorts(+10 to inventory), black running shoes Small gym bag(+15 to inventory)
Inventory: 31 slots
cheap pens(.5)
Ruger mk. 3 .22lr standard w/ top rail (4)
1 can of re-fried beans (1)
Hastily written letter (.1)
Metal thermos(2)
Small kitchen knife(1.5)
slots left: 18.1
Current weapon: fists
Known Factions: Yellow Arks

Combat system will be a rng 0 to 100
0=you forgeted up
1-30= you almost forgeted up completely, but you still failed
31-40= almost a failure
41-50= very low success
51-60= low success
61-70= lesser success
71-80= successful
81-90=good success
91-99= great success
100= pure success

 You find yourself in a small room and what you think is a managers office for something, or at least what was. Both the table and chairs are flipped over creating a small barricade in the corner. There is a small safe in the wall and then the door to the rest of the building. You are in the corner of the room on the ground.
What will you do?
Also what shall be your name?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 10:58:55 PM by jonnyman5656 »

Your name shall be "Pie Crust". Try to budge the safe open.

Your name shall be "Pie Crust"
Try to budge the safe open.
You take a closer look at the safe and what the forget?!?! The safe door was welded shut! Who the forget does that? Oh well might as well check other things in the room. You decide to inspect yourself first. You are currently wearing a white tee shirt and tan cargo shorts. You have black running shoes on. You've checked all the pockets and only found a empty wallet
Character stats:
hp: 100
condition: Fine
Damage resistance (points of damage lost to defense): 1
Current clothing : White tee shirt, tan cargo shorts(+10 to inventory), black running shoes
Inventory: 16 slots
Empty wallet(1)
Slots left: 15 slots
Current weapon: fists

Now what?
Also we still need a name.

Your first name shall be Ron, but you still need a last name
y no???
Because no sane person has it as their real name

Also please suggest what to do next

Search the tables/chairs?

Search the tables/chairs?
You search the overturned table and chairs and only find a couple cheap pens and a nickel in which you take
Current Character stats:
Name: Ron
hp: 100
condition: Fine
Damage resistance (points of damage lost to defense): 1
Current clothing : White tee shirt, tan cargo shorts(+10 to inventory), black running shoes
Inventory: 16 slots
cheap pens(.5)
Slots left: 14.5 slots
Current weapon: fists

You should leave the room as their is barely anything of interest in it now.

Leave the room, but cautiously peek out the door first.

Damnit im tempted to illustrate for this game. But its text based sfdjksdfhkjsdfh.

Damnit im tempted to illustrate for this game. But its text based sfdjksdfhkjsdfh.
im doing this in ascii because why not, but you can do fan art if you wish. i just need to find a good one, anything you guys recommend?

im doing this in ascii because why not, but you can do fan art if you wish. i just need to find a good one, anything you guys recommend?

alright, I might do some fanart B).

Leave the room, but cautiously peek out the door first.
You peak out of the door and find yourself in a room of a hallway that seems to have four other rooms attached
Now what?

key for images:
lime green=wall
black=undiscovered area
White smiley=you

go out the doorway and into the room left of you

go out the doorway and into the room left of you

key for images:
lime green=wall
black=undiscovered area
White smiley=you

New items for key:
purple L=gun/pistol
hollow red smiley=dead person
light brown= wood cover/object

When you enter the room You find a dead man to the right! On closer inspection of the body it looks like a Self Delete . Lucky for you, you found a Ruger mk. 3 .22lr standard with a top rail!
Inventory update: 16 slots
Ruger mk. 3 .22lr standard w/ top rail (4)
slots left: 10.5

Now what?