
Gamemode name

0 (0%)
Block Yankers
0 (0%)
Laser Yankers
0 (0%)
Bouncy Lasers
0 (0%)
Terminal Point
0 (0%)
Terminal Lasers
0 (0%)
2 (14.3%)
Trail Game
0 (0%)
Shade Thief
1 (7.1%)
1 (7.1%)
4 (28.6%)
1 (7.1%)
Square Stealers
0 (0%)
Box Burglary
1 (7.1%)
Cube Confiscation
1 (7.1%)
3 (21.4%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Author Topic: TheBlackParrot's Brickochet [v0.1.9-1]  (Read 2492 times)

falling platforms still exists right?
Yes, I'm going to package it up for release and fix any lasting bugs, I'm no longer hosting it though.

Voting is now open for names

I played on this server last night. It's very fun. Also, bump

0/10 no one voted for block yankers :(

0/10 no one voted for block yankers :(
that was my 2nd choice tbh
Chainblocks was my vote

Expected recreation of Ricochet, disappointed but this is okay too.

Currently working on fixing some bugs and adding a couple of things, I'll restart the server once I'm done.

v0.1.1 [04/08/2015]
swapped % and # of cubes in the bottom print, added speed
v0.1.2 [04/08/2015]
more bombs dynamically spawn in, added tenths to speed, x20 new max for combo messages, sky flashing scales with player count
v0.1.3 [04/09/2015]
added score system (1*combo per hit), laser speed doubled, discovered mFloatLength was a thing
v0.1.4 [04/09/2015]
organized code better, shrapnel now deleted upon round end
v0.1.5 [04/09/2015]
projectiles now last for infinity, stolen cubes play a sound to the original owner, how-to-play upon connecting
v0.1.6 [04/09/2015]
bugfixes, changelog now its own command
v0.1.7 [04/09/2015]
wins/losses now tracked and saved, corrected speed display
v0.1.8 [04/10/2015]
bricks can now optionally help you fly up
v0.1.9 [04/10/2015]
more sounds

This server is fun. It'd be even better if I wasn't the only player on it half the time. :(

This server is fun. It'd be even better if I wasn't the only player on it half the time. :(
I knoooow, it stinks :(
It's designed to accommodate a whole bunch of players, not 1 lmao

I got a 64x combo once then 100... (I think!)