Author Topic: Trigger an event once all bots in a certain area are dead?  (Read 1430 times)

How would I be able to trigger something once all bots in a certain area are dead? Doing a Hotline Miami-ish build and I want to:

A) Trigger a police ambush once all or a certain amount of the Mobsters are dead
B) Have the escape point/Victory Brick be revealed once the police ambush occurs due to the mobsters being dead.

if it's on the spawn points, it wouldn't be difficult to event each spawn to do A and B
I can make a small setup to show it

here it is
on bot death it spawn a projectile out  of the red brick, each brick inbetween the red and black bricks disappears on projectile and respawns on relay
the black brick is the trigger, when a projectile hits it spawn the police + escape
have as many filler bricks as you want, it's the number of mobsters to kill
if you want all mobsters to be dead, have one per bot and don't let the bots respawn

does it work/need help with anything else?

This is where VCE comes in. In my example I only used 5 kills.
The only output event that happens when you kill 5 bots is
"5 enemies have been defeated!" in bottom print
Of course, you can do whatever you want with it. Be creative :D


Place a normal brick and name it "BotCount"
Wrench it. Do the exact following events

Click it once or twice, then

Add the following event to every bot spawn who's death you want counted
onBotDeath > Named_Brick > BotCount > VCE_modVariable > deadCount > Add > 1

Every 1 second the brick will check how many bot deaths have been recorded. If the amount is greater than or equal to the number specified (in this case 5),
it will display a message, and then reset the death count back to 0.

Kill bots!! Do stuff!! :3

so why don't people like VCE anymore?
either way, there's an option to use it and an option to not use it

does it work/need help with anything else?


so why don't people like VCE anymore?
either way, there's an option to use it and an option to not use it

Wasn't it failed/CRCed or something?


Wasn't it failed/CRCed or something?
It was failed when v20 first came out for a simple string error, but Destiny quickly released an update fixing it. This was around the time soon before RTB got shut down, so he could easily update his mod with a change-log n' stuff to RTB. Idk if he quit when v21 came out or what but he never updated the mod after that and seemingly disappeared. Also, he removed VCE v19 from the RTB downloads system right before the shutdown. Shneaky shneaky