Author Topic: Pecon7's Fortwars - SeventhSandwich & Malvhi135  (Read 7483 times)


You indiscriminately called the admin staff terrible without any examples to support your claim whatsoever. I think you're taking it personally just because they don't like you.
>this thread

You took a shot at the server, saying something we've heard a dozen times before, but not once has it been properly backed up.
a dozen times before
damn, you'd think they'd like, take a hint or something, huh

Seems to me like you just have major denial and disregard anyone that tries to say that the administration is bad. Maybe you should open your eyes and address those issues you've heard a
dozen times
instead of starting arguments in a drama thread.

damn, you'd think they'd like, take a hint or something, huh
one well-backed accusation with evidence will always beat ten baseless ones. not applicable in this situation.


Okay yes, the phrasing of that particular response to Ravencroft's application was a bit silly. Can we move on now?

>this thread
Looks resolved to me -
In builder mode you can't shoot anyone and you can't be killed, which good in most scenarios, but bad in some like this.

Anyways, apologies for that planr, /spy wasn't seeming to work for me at the time so I figured you'd tell me if he had stopped. I don't know why I didn't use /find or something similar, so that was definitely my bad. Won't happen again.

If you're still demanding Ip be taken to the headsman after that, I think that's your problem. Not that recruiting admins from friends would have changed the outcome, Ipquarx would be an admin on this server either way.

damn, you'd think they'd like, take a hint or something, huh
dozen times
Almost all of those times were in reference to other servers, which typically have one reviewer who accepts anyone who can write above a third grade level. I maintain that applications and reviews work well when done right. The other times were all Ravencroft.

Seems to me like you just have major denial and disregard anyone that tries to say that the administration is bad.
Should I take your zero examples into consideration when I'm deciding to disregard what you're saying?

instead of starting arguments in a drama thread.
Again, you called out the admin team with no justification. Stop acting like I should be thankful that you insulted my friends.

I didn't "insult your friends." I pointed out that the admin team was flawed in a well-mannered post and you got all defensive and took it personally. And once again you're taking it personally by thinking I'm out to get "your friends." You're starting to make yourself look silly running in circles like this.

I didn't "insult your friends." I pointed out that the admin team was flawed in a well-mannered post and you got all defensive and took it personally. And once again you're taking it personally by thinking I'm out to get "your friends." You're starting to make yourself look silly running in circles like this.
The post you made could have been the work of someone trying to critique the application system in a serious but blunt manner. It could have also been made by a spiteful person who resents individual members of the admin team personally for whatever reason, posing as the former for as long as he can without a trace of evidence or support. Your continued failure to show me anything that gives merit to what you've said is making it very clear which one you are.

Go on then, convince me to take you seriously.

okay that gave me a giggle lol
there's such a thing as taking things way too seriously
The original quote in which you were referring to was posted by Pecon, and more importantly, you snipped out the front of the line which indicated that some dude named "Ry" was the original source.

I would have just assumed you didn't want to bother actually quoting from Pecon, but given that you modified the line in the way you did, I'm more inclined to believe you just wanted to try and create the illusion that Jetz said it personally.  You then seem to have proceeded to use this idea that Jetz was the original source of the quote to try and make fun of him here:
Outright fabricating information and then trying to use it to gain some kind of conversational advantage is ridiculous.  If you're going to be doing this, do it to in the right context.  Ry isn't involved here, so it makes no sense.  You could have also clarified what you were trying to say.

I didn't "insult your friends." I pointed out that the admin team was flawed in a well-mannered post and you got all defensive and took it personally. And once again you're taking it personally by thinking I'm out to get "your friends." You're starting to make yourself look silly running in circles like this.
Any friendship between Jetz and the people you may or may not be insulting is irrelevant in my opinion, because even if you're insulting somebody that just so happens to also be the friend of another person, you're insulting that other person's friend.  It is a technicality that can go with or without being said.

As far as I can tell, you're discontent because your application was denied six months ago.  If you want to provide some constructive criticism instead of simply pointing a finger and declaring that what you see must certainly be terrible, please do so.

As far as I can tell, you're discontent because your application was denied six months ago.  If you want to provide some constructive criticism instead of simply pointing a finger and declaring that what you see must certainly be terrible, please do so.
Ah yes, discontent about a server a never join. I probably would have been de-admined 2 weeks later due to inactivity anyways. I don't take things personally, nor do I hold any sort of bitterness towards the admin staff of that server. But if you want to use that as an excuse to hide the fact that my accusations about your server are accurate then feel free to do so.

Ah yes, discontent about a server a never join. I probably would have been de-admined 2 weeks later due to inactivity anyways. I don't take things personally, nor do I hold any sort of bitterness towards the admin staff of that server. But if you want to use that as an excuse to hide the fact that my accusations about your server are accurate then feel free to do so.

And there you have it, everyone! Despite the both of us asking for even the smallest sliver of proof that his accusations weren't completely baseless, Ravencroft has elected to present none whatsoever. From this, we can conclude he is in the second category:
a spiteful person who resents individual members of the admin team personally for whatever reason, posing as the former for as long as he can without a trace of evidence or support.

He maintained the facade of being professional and sincere for a whole 4 posts! I especially liked the part where he admitted he doesn't actually play on the server, since it shows he doesn't actually know a damn thing about how the server is administrated. I couldn't tell you why he dislikes the admins, but apparently, neither can he! Goodnight, everybody!

He maintained the facade of being professional and sincere for a whole 4 posts! I especially liked the part where he admitted he doesn't actually play on the server, since it shows he doesn't actually know a damn thing about how the server is administrated. I couldn't tell you why he dislikes the admins, but apparently, neither can he! Goodnight, everybody!
You come into this topic and try to start an argument with me then call it a night when you feel like you've gained something from it? Damn dude you're funny.
If you're really that eager for some examples then I'll give you them. It's not like I've never played on the server before. The last time I was there, two admins including Reconer and Gizmo were arguing with other players and being completely oblivious as to what was going on around them and it was a very unpleasant experience. I have nothing against Redconer and enjoy playing on DM servers with him when he's online. As for Gizmo, he used to be an admin at my server as well until he went inactive. Previous issues I've experienced include Aware making snide remarks at me and kicking me when I responded to him. This happened in at least two separate instances. The Super Admins on the server just allowed him to continue without taking any action. If I really had any sort resentment towards someone on that server it would be him, but he's an okay guy and I don't really care what he thinks about me.
If someone has issues with the admins at a server every time they join then obviously there's a problem that needs to be addressed. There's no need to get defensive and take things personally over it like you are. It's actually too bad that you couldn't even hold a normal conversation over it without your usual attitude taking over every one of your replies.

The original quote in which you were referring to was posted by Pecon, and more importantly, you snipped out the front of the line which indicated that some dude named "Ry" was the original source.
...okay? what the forget does that have to with anything lol

You then seem to have proceeded to use this idea that Jetz was the original source of the quote to try and make fun of him here:
Outright fabricating information and then trying to use it to gain some kind of conversational advantage is ridiculous.
it's called a joke you bloody autist
there's such a thing as taking things way too seriously

why y'all sending out the full white knight brigade to defend these stuffty servers lol

Uh oh look out Jetz is taking things personally again lol. ^ pretty much this

You guys take the apps seriously like it's going to change anything, but the reality of it is that admin applications are never a good idea. The server's admin team isn't much better than the current state of Tezuni's admin team.
I give pretty accurate insight on the administration of Pecon's server and you take a shot at me. That's real mature of you Jetz, I'm impressed.
Its not like if making friends admins is such a good idea either, friends can be badmins too, I think the app system works fine, considering you have to be dedicated to the job and its kind of like a test you take to make sure your qualified for the job.

Some of Tez's admins where bad, but I heard recently he was getting that problem fixed , don't know if that's true though.

Its not like if making friends admins is such a good idea either, friends can be badmins too, I think the app system works fine, considering you have to be dedicated to the job and its kind of like a test you take to make sure your qualified for the job.

Some of Tez's admins where bad, but I heard recently he was getting that problem fixed , don't know if that's true though.
Tez's server has been fine other than a few very questionable choices in who he makes admin.

Tez's server has been fine other than a few very questionable choices in who he makes admin.
Well I guess its nice to hear hes fixing the bad rep his server have.

Its not like if making friends admins is such a good idea either, friends can be badmins too
i'm friends with the people i am for a reason; if i could not trust them to be an admin, why would i be friends with them?
if this statement can't be applied to you or anyone else, it's probably time to reevaluate who you consider a friend lol