Author Topic: Describe the worst pain with an image or gif.  (Read 2516 times)

Describe the worst pain you've ever experienced physically or emotionally with an image or gif.
I'll start.

filthy wins but here is h3h3 anyways

filthy wins but here is h3h3 anyways

wait whats that guy crying about

The pain I've been feeling non stop for over a week now would probably be an inappropriate image.

The pain I've been feeling non stop for over a week now would probably be an inappropriate image.
kidney stone because of what happened? idk since those things tend to come later age.
hope not though, those suck

kidney stone because of what happened? idk since those things tend to come later age.
hope not though, those suck

Nope. It's at the very very end of the digestive system. The very end.

Nope. It's at the very very end of the digestive system. The very end.
what kind of things do you do that make you pucker that hard mate

Nope. It's at the very very end of the digestive system. The very end.