
Should you be able to disable empire chat logging?


Author Topic: MERP Commands [v5.1 - Whispers and Empire Font]  (Read 16255 times)

Element's MERP Commands v5.1
A better list of commands for Mini Empires Roleplay servers.

  • Beginning your message with "<" makes you speak in empire chat
  • Beginning your message with "<<" followed by a username makes you send a whisper to that person in the empire chat. (For example, "<< Element pls help")
  • Empire Saving/Loading
  • Custom Empire Colored prefixes/suffixes
  • Various Preferences
  • Empire Chat Logs


  • /merphelp <query> - Shows help for the mod
  • /empirename <name> - Sets your empire's name
  • /empirecolor <hex> OR /empirecolor - Sets your empire's color to the hex specified, or your currently selected paint if hex is left empty
  • /empirefont <size> <font name> - Sets your empire's font
  • /rgbtohex <r> <g> <b> - Converts RGB to Hex
  • /spraytohex - Gives you the hex code of your currently selected paint
  • /roll <sides> <modifier> - Rolls a dice with the amount of sides specified, with the modifier if specified
  • /timer <seconds|cancel> - Starts a timer. If cancel is put instead of a time, it cancels the timer Also has an annoying alarm noise.

Admin+ Commands:

  • /empirenamelimit <limit> - Host only. Sets the character limit for empire names
  • /toggleroll <on/off> - Host only. Toggles the /roll command
  • /reloadprefs - Host only. Reloads the preferences.


  • +n - adds n to the roll outcome
  • -n - minuses n from the roll outcome
  • *n - multiplies the roll outcome by n
  • /n - divides the roll outcome by n
  • n - Rolls n amount of dice at once


Found in config/server/MERP/prefs.cs
$Prefs::MERP::empireNameLimit       //Sets the character limit for empire names
$Prefs::MERP::empireChatPrefix      //Sets the prefix for empire chat
$Prefs::MERP::chatNamePrefix        //Sets the prefix for your name
$Prefs::MERP::chatNameSuffix        //Sets the suffix for your name
$Prefs::MERP::timerEnabled          //Enables/disables the /timer command
$Prefs::MERP::rollColor             //Changes the color of the text in the /roll command. Use \c3 and related codes


Any other MERP addons which add similar commands or has commands named the same will conflict. Only enable the mod you wish to use.

Download v5.1 Added the /empirefont command for further empire chat customisation. Also added private empire chat whispering. Begin your message with "<<" followed by the person's name and your message to whisper. For example, "<< Element pls help". All whispers are logged in the empire chat logger also. Edit: Fixed minor bug.

Old Versions:

The previous topic was too old and I had recently returned to the addon to include some features that were requested.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 03:33:38 AM by Element »

Is there anyway you can make it save the empire name and color after someone leaves and comes back? Also, anyway to enable and disable rolling, because people love to spam the chat with it.

Besides that, I experienced this on a server, useful mod.

Is there anyway you can make it save the empire name and color after someone leaves and comes back? Also, anyway to enable and disable rolling, because people love to spam the chat with it.

Besides that, I experienced this on a server, useful mod.

I can add empire name/color saving, but I don't really see it being necessary. It's just a little bit of effort from a player. Toggling rolling is a pretty sweet idea, I'll see what I can do.

Edit: Done exactly that. Toggle the /roll command with /toggleroll <on/off>
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 04:46:07 PM by Element »

I can add empire name/color saving, but I don't really see it being necessary. It's just a little bit of effort from a player

Use player persistence and make a /clearEmpire command for peeps who decide to start fresh?


Be sure you're returning parents for GameConnection::autoAdminCheck and GameConnection::onClientLeaveGame.

Just updated the add-on with a pretty large update based on feedback from you guys.

Use player persistence and make a /clearEmpire command for peeps who decide to start fresh?

I didn't end up using Player Persistence as I was having a few troubles, but I had a saving system lying somewhere so it's all good. Also, no command for that, as they can just rename/recolor their empire.

Be sure you're returning parents for GameConnection::autoAdminCheck and GameConnection::onClientLeaveGame.

Thanks for reminding me, fixed that.

rad add-on


Should really rename all the updated versions to the same name so they automatically ask for an overwrite when you place a different version within the add-ons folder.

Should really rename all the updated versions to the same name so they automatically ask for an overwrite when you place a different version within the add-ons folder.

They're only different names so it helps me organize them on Mediafire and on my PC. I'll change the latest version to 'Server_MERP_Commands', though. Old versions will still have version numbers.

Also, I've started a poll on a feature I was thinking of adding, just to see some response for it.

Is there anyway you can make it save the empire name and color after someone leaves and comes back?
actually would be very useful for me, i use strange colors sometimes

Maybe implement the timer in seconds rather than minutes or a second/minute/hour format?

actually would be very useful for me, i use strange colors sometimes

Maybe implement the timer in seconds rather than minutes or a second/minute/hour format?

Done, and done! New update with a fair amount of changes, also has the start of modifiers for dice.

Updated the addon to v3.0 including feedback from the guys over at Alxetora's Server and Goldtits. Now includes more preferences!

What would people think about commands to keep track of materials/stats?