Author Topic: What is your sleeping schedule?  (Read 1556 times)

Little bit of mixed topic as I need help with my own. I struggle sleeping on time, and usually end up sleeping at 2am to 3am, whilst I have to wake at 7am. This, as you can imagine, gives a struggle waking up in the morning, and has given me a snooze addiction up until my class is already started.
So I pretty much always am too late or miss entire classes. Thankfully this is my last school week, so I don't really have to worry too much!

Anyways, what is your sleeping schedule fellow internet night owls.

Whatever the forget I feel like

On at least 4 out of 7 days a week, I will go to sleep at around 12-5am. I will then wake up around 2-5pm.

Sleep from 9-11 pm to 4 am, sharp.

no schedule, just random bouts of sleep


What is this sleep?

Where may I find this sleep?

last night i went to bed at 6pm and got up at 1am

Like 12 AM to 6 AM

In other words, terrible.

1-6 am to 5-10 am

It's usually rare for me to get more than 4 or 4.5 hours of sleep

Like 12 AM to 6 AM

In other words, terrible.
16 hours of sleep would help anyone

16 hours of sleep would help anyone
12 am to 6 am is 6 hours

I usually try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night unless I'm at a party or somethin. Lately I've been staying up til like 2am playing Fallout during the week. I hate when I get addicted to games.