Author Topic: Getting horizontal and vertical perpendicular vectors relative to muzzlevector  (Read 1512 times)

This is basically related to my last topic, but I've narrowed down what exactly I don't know how to do.
Basically, I've figured out how rotation in Torque works now (more or less) but the vector math is still giving me loads of stuff. I can rotate vectors around axes of my choice, but I need to know those axes. Specifically, I need a way to get vectors that are perpendicular to the muzzlevector; the horizontal perpendicular should run parallel to the ground plane, while the vertical perpendicular should be perpendicular to both the muzzlevector and the horizontal perpendicular.
I have no clue how to do this. Can anyone help?

%axis0 = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%muzzleVec, "0 0 1"));
%axis1 = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%muzzleVec, %axis0));

%axis0 is the horizontal axis, and %axis1 is the "vertical" axis.  If %axis1 is in the wrong direction, flip the order of %muzzleVec and %axis0.

In case you're interested in the vector math going on here, the cross product of two vectors produces an output vector that is perpendicular to both input vectors.

%axis0 = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%muzzleVec, "0 0 1"));
%axis1 = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%muzzleVec, %axis0));

%axis0 is the horizontal axis, and %axis1 is the "vertical" axis.  If %axis1 is in the wrong direction, flip the order of %muzzleVec and %axis0.
I actually tried that earlier and it wasn't working right (specifically, the "0 0 1" seemed to be causing problems), though I could probably stand to try it again.

Anyway, I got it working now (the manual, inefficient way), now I just gotta clean up the code.