Author Topic: Saved over a Save  (Read 701 times)

Me being my clumsy and stupid self, decided to save when there was no bricks! -_-

I had just cleared my bricks and was going to load my starwars battlefront server
and begin editing it when i accidently saved over the build. Quite a lot of damage has been done but i still saved often so i have a slightly older version, but if theres a way of getting it back, please inform me.

* Clap *

* Clap *

* Clap *


Shaddup, i was half asleep lel.

Sorry bro, no real way to do that

uh, was there another person's build still intact after you cleared your bricks?

maybe check the properties of the file and see if there are earlier versions of it?

uh, was there another person's build still intact after you cleared your bricks?

This is what worried me, I have auto save disabled so it can't be that. Whenever I try loading it it just says 0 bricks loaded.

maybe check the properties of the file and see if there are earlier versions of it?

can you upload the file so we can see if its contents are really empty or not?