Author Topic: A compile of khains "functioning" weaponpacks  (Read 4878 times)

these weapons were posted in the "h&k everything" topic, and i sifted through the whole messy file for the working weapons.

the download includes a readme to know what each addon in there is for.

NOTE: these are not completed (but very close and functioning) so use them at your own risk

download here
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 12:52:43 PM by Bin »

really annoying none of these have any icons to upload what they look like lol

no pix no clix!!111

no pix no clix!!111
im srry just look at them pls theyre good :<

here are ur pics

hk original pix

hk zombie

i dislike the style

i dislike the style
they follow the style somewhat, but idk they are pretty cool you should try them out

idk what you dont like about them- they're blocky like lego guns but look like they're counterparts

there's no Weapon_ModernWarBattles :(

there's no Weapon_ModernWarBattles :(
i know those are bushis guns and i know he doesnt want those out

i have adventurepack too

i can ask if it'd be ok to put them here

EDIT: i pmed him about it, now we wait
« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 03:04:44 PM by Bin »

I was also hoping the Originals pack had the Revolver :(

I was also hoping the Originals pack had the Revolver :(
it does! look in the screenies and stuff- it does

ALSO; bushi said no handing out the guns, sorry dudes

it does! look in the screenies and stuff- it does
There were like only 5 guns I saw ingame that were from the pic and there were more different guns, you must have something else

I'll show you a pic tomorrow morning
« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 09:31:05 PM by DerpDerp »

Only have these

ill figure this out when im home from school thanks for bringing this up
EDIT: Ill add another weaponpack in with it to make up for my mistake
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 08:20:41 AM by Bin »