Author Topic: So Apparently Blockland Has Another Competition.  (Read 3715 times)

Recently there's this game from LEGO called "LEGO Worlds" (I know, LEGO could've chosen a better name) and it's on Steam right now for early access. I think it is meant to compete with Minecraft, but you know what else is a sand-box block building game that is on Steam? Blockland. What do you guys think?

Oh, here's a link to the LEGO World Steam page:
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 04:49:42 PM by blocklandman0815 »

legos been around longer so who cares if they get a steam game
its not like just because popular building games exist another game cant rise and be played just for fun and not competition

If it had multiplayer it would be 10x better than Blockland, BUT it doesn't have multiplayer.

I think it is meant to compete with Minecraft

"Oh my god TT made a lego game about building stuff it's competing with Minecraft"

If it had multiplayer it would be 10x better than Blockland, BUT it doesn't have multiplayer.

In their plans it is planned to have multiplayer

"Oh my god TT made a lego game about building stuff it's competing with Minecraft"
I said I think. -_-

In their plans it is planned to have multiplayer
Do you honestly expect an official lego game to have player hosted servers and mods? It'll be trash like lego universe. Think of the children!!

What about modding and user-hosted servers?

How have I never heard of this game?!

How have I never heard of this game?!

Because it was released today

Everybody's gonna say no but, two landmark keys (both worth $20) for Lego Worlds? (I know this is a terrible deal on my side cause its $40 for a $15 game, but I've been sitting on two keys for like a year)

If someone does take this trade though

Got it and errmergerd
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 06:59:43 PM by Mr.Blocko »