Author Topic: Alarming Blacklisting/Banning from multiple servers  (Read 4062 times)

Tezuni's servers don't have unstable administration
You were probably banned because you have a bad reputation with one of the super admins (Trinick, Kfamped, Tenshi, Tezuni)
Almost everyone that comes on the forums to complain about Tezuni's administration was banned for something that would also get them banned from any server. People have flooded the chat with racial slurs and waited for admins to log off in order to grief other players, and then later came onto the forums and blamed their bans on the server's 'unstable administration'.

At this point, the server's 'bad reputation' is just a myth perpetuated by the worst of the worst problem users.

Pshh, that's bullstuff. Your ban was set under the name 'Phanto', so it had to have been set awhile ago. That also tells me that the reason you were blacklisted probably had something to do with you blatantly asking for Blockland hacking scripts less than a year ago.

I'm guessing that's why all of them banned you.


i was about to ask if he was the same guy that did that, but guess that answers it
i'm surprised no one recognised him earlier, i guess
at least he hasn't done anything particularily threatening so far, so i'd cut him some slack
i mean most of the times i see you you show up on those threads about old problem users and throw every negative thing you know about them in
and i do understand why but i find this almost... witch-hunting attitude pretty terrible
cut the guy some slack geeze

ironically i might just be overreacting myself
oh well

Well I can answer why you were banned from my servers - for attacking other servers.  My super admins and I received an e-mail report, with pictures of you abusing a team chat bug, spamming one of those city rpgs to the point of solid lag, which cause a lot of people to drop, and may have even crashed it.  This was also verified by a few others. 

As for people talking about bans on my server in general, the staff are kept on a pretty tight ship with no excuse for abusive banning.  People are encouraged to report that with photo evidence, which I almost never receive.  Also the blacklist is exclusively managed by two people.  So, no, contrary to popular opinion people aren't randomly banned 'for no reason' from my servers (that's my favorite and the most common complaint). 

Well I can answer why you were banned from my servers - for attacking other servers.  My super admins and I received an e-mail report, with pictures of you abusing a team chat bug, spamming one of those city rpgs to the point of solid lag, which cause a lot of people to drop, and may have even crashed it.  This was also verified by a few others. 

As for people talking about bans on my server in general, the staff are kept on a pretty tight ship with no excuse for abusive banning.  People are encouraged to report that with photo evidence, which I almost never receive.  Also the blacklist is exclusively managed by two people.  So, no, contrary to popular opinion people aren't randomly banned 'for no reason' from my servers (that's my favorite and the most common complaint). 

The Teamchat spam was a completely unrelated offense and I got banned from that server in particular. I understood why I was banned from there which is why I did not bring it up. In terms of your server, I haven't broken any rules ever. I can understand why you would blacklist me for being a problem user, but this is only one account of basically for looping a teamchat function as a joke. In my opinion it would be justified if I had a history of doing stupid stuff like that, but it was a one time offense.

I care a bit about being banned from Tezuni's primarily because I often play on the server. I try to avoid getting wrapped up in all the admin/user conflicts and just enjoy the game for what it is.

Are you trying to ignore my posts?

There doesn't appear to be any ID 48720 banned on Boss Battles.

There's also no ban under the name of "Phanto" on boss battles either. You're either lying about being banned there or lying about your in-game name being Phanto.

I can understand why you would blacklist me for being a problem user, but this is only one account of basically for looping a teamchat function as a joke. In my opinion it would be justified if I had a history of doing stupid stuff like that, but it was a one time offense.

well so much for defending you earlier...
i mean...
in this exact page it was pointed out you DO have a history of doing stupid stuff like that
not really surprising you got blacklisted

The Teamchat spam was a completely unrelated offense and I got banned from that server in particular. I understood why I was banned from there which is why I did not bring it up. In terms of your server, I haven't broken any rules ever. I can understand why you would blacklist me for being a problem user, but this is only one account of basically for looping a teamchat function as a joke. In my opinion it would be justified if I had a history of doing stupid stuff like that, but it was a one time offense.
But it clearly wasn't a one time offense. Over the course of this thread we've identified at least three major offenses here. You screwed with someone's city rpg by abusing scripts, and you asked for hacks from another user a few months ago in order to 'start hacking again' (which implies you've done this many times in the past).

The fact that these offenses didn't happen on Tezuni's server means absolutely nothing. After you were punished for hacking a year ago, you tried to get new hacking scripts so that you could continue to hack more inconspicuously. What this tells me is that you have absolutely no remorse for the fact you've deliberately screwed with other people's servers in the past, and it tells me that you're going to resume this same kind of behavior as soon as we unban you (but maybe when admins aren't on this time).

So far you've made a terrible case for your innocence, and I don't see you being unbanned any time in the near future.

The hacking bullstuff is old and I got revoked for it already. Since then i've dropped the tasteless act and tried to maintain a good reputation. I prefer not to be regarded for that.

Being blacklisted from tezuni's server had absolutely nothing to do with that at all. I wish to not dig up old wounds.

As for the bans, I guess it's all centered around the team chat spam, so I have my answer.

As for the bans, I guess it's all centered around the team chat spam, so I have my answer.
Good. Don't come back.

remember that old ipban addon? i think people are still using that and adding names to it for some reason. people change tho

SeventhSavage exposing handicaps since 2008.

The hacking bullstuff is old and I got revoked for it already. Since then i've dropped the tasteless act and tried to maintain a good reputation. I prefer not to be regarded for that.

Being blacklisted from tezuni's server had absolutely nothing to do with that at all. I wish to not dig up old wounds.

As for the bans, I guess it's all centered around the team chat spam, so I have my answer.

Funny thing about one's reputation.  It tends to be based on actions, not words.

You're blacklisted because all of these hosts are trying to protect their servers from the unforeseen.  It doesn't matter if you haven't done anything bad in recent weeks, you're a known problem user and have sought malicious programs to ruin everyone else's good time.  The hosts are perfectly justified in banning you.  Believe it or not, Blockland users talk.  People know who you are before you even connect because of your past actions.  Pretty much a rule of thumb is if you have a history of attempting to attack servers, you forfeit the privilege of being considered an innocent user.

So no, your bans are not only due to chat spamming.  You know what you did.  Don't try to play it off as though you're unaware.  You reap what you sow, bud.

I always get a kick out of the users who choose to do stuffty things, then act surprised when people don't like them for doing stuffty things.

Then the first thing you starfishs jump to is "Well that was a long time ago/I already got punished for it!" The short answer to that is tough stuff. You think that just because you got revoked that everything is all well and good? People have and will continue to keep you banned because you made a name for yourself as causing problems. You decided to be a little stuff and now you pay the price. That reputation will follow you until the day you leave these forums, because that is just how this place works, people remember.

And you can try to rebuttal claiming "Well I've changed since then!" Good for you, nobody is obligated to care. Do you want a medal because you decided to stop being a little prick? Thousands of other users know how to exist here without doing this stuff that gets them into trouble, maybe you should have been like them.

So stop trying to claim it was a long time ago, or you've changed, or whatever other bullstuff excuse you can cook up. Because no matter what people will still ban you for your past. Whether you knew it in the past or not, you caused all this on yourself. Maybe you shouldn't have done the stupid stuff you did. Live and learn, kid.

I wish to not dig up old wounds.

And people don't wish to have to deal with handicaps loving up their server.

Nobody gives a stuff if you've changed or not, you're not obligated to another chance after attacking servers. If you have a problem with it, I guess that's just too bad.

Nobody gives a stuff if you've changed or not, you're not obligated to another chance after attacking servers. If you have a problem with it, I guess that's just too bad.

Please, state one example of me asking for 'another chance after attacking servers'

Oh, and change servers to singular, because I got banned for attacking one server. Specifically with teamchat spam.