
How edgy?

I'm like a pillow
26 (25.2%)
I'm like a the corner of that sofa in granpappy's house you always stub your toe on
10 (9.7%)
I'm like a fairly dull kitchen knife
10 (9.7%)
I'm like a fairly not dull kitchen knife
6 (5.8%)
I lost my richard while masturbating because my hands are KNIVES
8 (7.8%)
God isn't real
16 (15.5%)
I bled out and died when I popped a entrepreneur le in the mirror because my finger-knife hit an artery
27 (26.2%)

Total Members Voted: 103

Author Topic: How edgy are you?  (Read 2088 times)

welcome to the edgy edgoon how edge are ya

i ate a bowl of atheists for breakfast


welcome to the edgy edgoon how edge are ya
once i did a genocide no kidding!!!

im so edgy I spam servers with emitters :^)

im so edgy I spam servers with emitters :^)
why do people keep saying this
it's not even funny wtf

im so edgy I use butter knives to end my victims.

when I get pissed off and want to infuriate my enemies I just try to act like Bisjac cause he is the edgiest dude I know

I have deviantArt edged into me

I'm so edgy I cut myself and I'm so deep I almost hit bone

Not especially edgy under normal circumstances.
But I cut through atoms every once in a blue moon.

american box art kirby level edgy

i'm edgier than the hatred guy

i dont even think that's possible

it could be done if you listen to linkin park everyday 24/7