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Author Topic: Conan's Freebuild Lounge™ (Page 3 - Save Dump!)  (Read 6194 times)

ty flamecannon for banner :D

What is this server? Why make a topic on a freebuild?
This server kinda spawned out of my work on my helicarrier. People were coming by and freebuilding, or loading up their own builds to work on. After seeing the quality of the builds, I decided to turn the server into a freebuild, and for some reason it was an instant success. Knowing that this server might not last past this summer, I've decided to put together this topic to show off the builds since some really are gallery worthy.

View the full album here (39 images)

Gavizt's Stunt Plane ChallengeBag's HOUSE OF STANThotley's second attempt at a house
Donut! (needs credit)B-Ball Court by Dione, Conan, mlockha,
and Feline
Smash's Outdoor Jacuzzi and BarMagus's Floating Refueling StationsConan's Terrain Sample
Thotley's dank meme rugSpawn room by Conan and momm3Gavitz's Fort Wars Castle

Dione (I have not)
Dark X-rane
...and a number of others whom I can't remember
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 04:48:25 PM by Conan »

looks neat, will check it out

stuff looks hot. Love the logo.

Great builds. Way too much administration though. 9 on at a time. .

Great builds. Way too much administration though. 9 on at a time. .
and none of the administration did anything at all, no kicks, bans, or anything malicious. i do not see your point, if nothing happened, the builds are great, but there just happens to be a lot of admins on, whats the harm?

and none of the administration did anything at all, no kicks, bans, or anything malicious. i do not see your point, if nothing happened, the builds are great, but there just happens to be a lot of admins on, whats the harm?
says the person who reset the vehicles every 10 seconds and later that day got de-admined

says the person who reset the vehicles every 10 seconds and later that day got de-admined
don't bring the ingame drama here god
its not like its a big deal

in the end if it gets too crazy i'll deadmin people. but it just so happens that people i trust most with admin like to play on my server, which is why i have a high admin density

says the person who reset the vehicles every 10 seconds and later that day got de-admined
A) I reset the vehicles because they were constantly on the basketball court.
B) got de-admined, got it back, point??

don't bring the ingame drama here god
its not like its a big deal

in the end if it gets too crazy i'll deadmin people. but it just so happens that people i trust most with admin like to play on my server, which is why i have a high admin density
My server is the same way. I only have 6 SAs and 2 Admins but it always seems like there at least 4 on at once.

A) I reset the vehicles because they were constantly on the basketball court.
B) got de-admined, got it back, point??
don't bring the ingame drama here god
its not like its a big deal

in the end if it gets too crazy i'll deadmin people. but it just so happens that people i trust most with admin like to play on my server, which is why i have a high admin density

Can you not read?

I totally helped with the Conan's Terrain Sample bit.

You spelled "Gavizt" and "DragonoidSlayer" wrong in contributors. Also, is this really Trade Marked? :o

You spelled "Gavizt" and "DragonoidSlayer" wrong in contributors. Also, is this really Trade Marked? :o
whoops, fixed!
yes it's totally trademarked dont try and steal the name or ill sue u

yes it's totally trademarked dont try and steal the name or ill sue u
ill drama u