Author Topic: Det - DDoS'ing scum.  (Read 2636 times)

I was just hosting my Gang Beasts server, he joined and he said it looked nothing like it. After that, he left and joined with an alternate account saying he would DDoS me. I said yeah right. And then I made a BIG mistake. I wasn't able to print screen the whole thing before my BL crashed, but I think this is his BL ID.

Dets BLID is 48861 I think. Paintingcan is his Alt. I couldn't get his alts BLID.

Post a console.log
Where exactly can I find it, I don't go in my BL folder often


I wouldn't believe this, since DDOSing floods connection requests to one server, I don't think it would crash Blockland.

ID you put is his alt.
48861   Paintingcan   2015-06-27 12:10:40

Det's ID:
150289   Det   2015-06-27 13:49:44


I wouldn't believe this, since DDOSing floods connection requests to one server, I don't think it would crash Blockland.
Well I crashed when the f***er DDoS'd me.

Well I crashed when the f***er DDoS'd me.

You know that it could be-- I don't know, COINCIDENCE?

crashing is different than having to exit out of the program

Well I crashed when the f***er DDoS'd me.
...that's not how DDoSing works.

Also: censoring yourself is not needed.

Well I crashed when the f***er DDoS'd me.
what was the error during the crash? was it a runtime error or a simple "blockland.exe has stopped working"?
if he was spamming emitters and explosions on your server i could understand why your blockland crashed, but i don't see a ddos being responsible

what was the error during the crash? was it a runtime error or a simple "blockland.exe has stopped working"?
if he was spamming emitters and explosions on your server i could understand why your blockland crashed, but i don't see a ddos being responsible
Seeing as my PC can be slow at some times, when I lag theres a possible chance my BL will crash. So yeah, DDoS may be hard to understand, but my BL did crash during that time.

Even if your blockland crashed, the console.log will still be intact. Get it and post it.

You didn't start Blockland anytime after it crashed did you?  Because you would have erased any evidence.

Even if your blockland crashed, the console.log will still be intact. Get it and post it.

I had no idea this was a thing

i remember det being on my RP and fail rping. nuclear bear was rping and he shot det, det threw a nova grenade. det was like nothing shot him. i was rping that i had a mini ban hammer and used my d wand on him. i meant it as a joke and det said fail rp.

so i banned him for fail rp.