
Adventure vs Drama


Author Topic: [VOTE] what is the best movie genre of all time?? - ADVENTURE vs DRAMA!  (Read 449499 times)

these people are attention whores so let's give them more attention by voting for them to be labelled the biggest attention whore!
jesus forget why didn't this hit me sooner

I wouldn't be a victim if people would stop bringing stuff up. People who remember the past are wise to do so but those who dwell neglect the present and future.

can you please stop trying to sound wise

I wouldn't be a victim if people would stop bringing stuff up. People who remember the past are wise to do so but those who dwell neglect the present and future.

hey mr pocket philosopher can you tell us why you haven't migrated to facepunch yet like every other forum victim

I wouldn't be a victim if people would stop bringing stuff up. People who remember the past are wise to do so but those who dwell neglect the present and future.

No, you're still a self declared victim.

Could you actually try to be smart instead of trying to act smart.

Everyone who continues to argue with molten is just as immature as he is.

You have a victim complex in other words, but then again, you never understand anything.
this is the ear covering. do you get it yet you loving handicap
stopped reading here
hey mr pocket philosopher can you tell us why you haven't migrated to facepunch yet like every other forum victim

yes xr because everyone will listen to your opinion 100% of the time

yes xr because everyone will listen to your opinion 100% of the time

yes xr because everyone will listen to your opinion 100% of the time

Then why didn't they this time?

looks like he informed more of qi
aren't you a brony AND a member of qi?
seems autists of a feather flock together
lemme guess, you guys just looked at my username and replied without even reading the post itself

hey mr pocket philosopher can you tell us why you haven't migrated to facepunch yet like every other forum victim
Because I have no idea what facepunch is and I don't want to be around problem users
No, you're still a self declared victim.

Could you actually try to be smart instead of trying to act smart.
I had people tell me I was right but they aren't responding because they are afraid of the "It's a clique!" card.

the majority agrees that molten is annoying

lemme guess, you guys just looked at my username and replied without even reading the post itself
you quoted another post, i think i read it

the majority agrees that molten is annoying
The majority or loud minority?

The majority or loud minority?
qi doesn't make up half this forum