Author Topic: Hoth (extremely wip) bak  (Read 4247 times)

this was a bit tricky to build
how did I do

it lacks a bit of detail, and I had trouble making the sphere cus I could not find an sphere generator, so I had to follow a lego tutorial
I'd try adding detail by putting 4x cubes at joints in a way that makes it appear more round from any angle. If you try this, save a copy of the original first- there's no guarantee it will be better afterward.

I'd try adding detail by putting 4x cubes at joints in a way that makes it appear more round from any angle. If you try this, save a copy of the original first- there's no guarantee it will be better afterward.
I tried to do that but i think i did it wrong, didnt look better
I will try to add 4x cubes again to see if i make something,

or if somebody want to give me an sphere gen ;)

sphere is good. too much more detail and it'll become ugly.
I can't remember ever seeing that in the game though, Is it some sky bg object...?

turrets and droids are really awesome; A+ job on those.

sphere is good. too much more detail and it'll become ugly.
I can't remember ever seeing that in the game though, Is it some sky bg object...?

turrets and droids are really awesome; A+ job on those.
the sphere is a cannon, on battlefront it appears on the skybox
iirc it also appears in the movie
although physically it doesnt appear, i am seeing where i can put it

<3 You're building my childhood :)

Star Wars Battlefront FTW

<3 You're building my childhood :)

Star Wars Battlefront FTW
You inspired me to make ths map ;)
with your post on the star wars addons

You inspired me to make ths map ;)
with your post on the star wars addons

Omgyay lol. Glad that I finally inspired someone to do something  :cookieMonster:

Would it be bad to bump this? Cus 9 days old
Im doing this so it doesnt become older to not be able to reply

Would it be bad to bump this? Cus 9 days old
Im doing this so it doesnt become older to not be able to reply
the timeout for that is 2 months, i believe. just work on the project and bump when you have updates.

ya sorry

i arrived from vacations and i made progress on the imperial CP

I also fixed the slayer glitch thingy

I love the CPs that you made

Looks great so far, keep up the good work son. Battlefront time

Nice job, this makes me want to get my Star Wars the Complete Collection™ out.

i made progress on the imperial CP

Woah, I remember that part of the map from battlefront.

I placed the cp in map


and here is a silent preview of how CP work
it has no sound at all ;)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 05:07:44 PM by Checko2100 »