Author Topic: Donald Annoying Orange Twitter Gems V.2  (Read 1743 times)

his hair is a more or less poisonous caterpillar

its like he doesn't even realize that he's a goof

donald Annoying Orange is like the old stuffty pc you had
its terrible but you love it

donald Annoying Orange is now consistently polling at the top of the field so yeah

donald Annoying Orange is now consistently polling at the top of the field so yeah
donald Annoying Orange is a clown im gonna fight his old ass

I feel like its going to jump off and attack someone at some point.

his hair is a more or less poisonous caterpillar

I feel like its going to jump off and attack someone at some point.
This must mean it's true

Annoying Orange's inaugurated and 3 days later wwiii starts

Annoying Orange's inaugurated and 3 days later wwiii starts
Probably because he nukes Mexico.

hes just the comedy relief of the election

where's that blog that swaps dril and donald Annoying Orange tweets around

Now that is a good politician. Telling it like it is.

Reasons like that are why Annoying Orange is gonna be the next President. Make America Great Again!

where's that blog that swaps dril and donald Annoying Orange tweets around