Author Topic: Crush  (Read 4850 times)

Level 15.

You hate people. You walk outside in your armor. Who do you kill? Blacks? Jews? The common white man? The Aryan race?

Your crush just asked you to walk home with her after school. She might be into you. You accept, and the final period is about to end. You are trying to think of what to say to her as a conversation starter. What do you say?

Why do you have a crush on a middle aged woman who wants you to follow her home after school?

wake up from your daydream and realize you're a lonely loser nerd who can't talk to girls

wake up from your daydream and realize you're a lonely 40 year old loser nerd who can't talk to girls

Appease the Tumblr Gods Gods of Social Justice by only killing white cis males

Why do you have a crush on a middle aged woman who wants you to follow her home after school?

You wake up. You take a shower, put on your favorite anime T-shirt and khakis, and a fedora. You go outside to take a walk, but the local kids are calling you a "weaboo" and a "furcigarette" and you should "yiff in hell". What do you do?
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 01:15:10 PM by blockguy™ »

Burn your clothes in the bathroom.

You go back and burn them. You're just in your khakis. You put on a black T-Shirt, no fedora. You look normal.

Burn yourself and livestream

realise you're the size of loving pluto from all those cheetos you eat
begin to work out every day to loose the landwhale form

this thread went downhill uphill very quickly
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 05:30:37 PM by Refticus »

Write a letter to her and drop it in front of her inconspicuously.

Write a letter to her and drop it in front of her inconspicuously.
You wake up.

You were dreaming of a your crush asking you to walk home, and then you were dreaming of a dream where you were a fat middle aged anime loving friend. You're Ralph Johnson, and today is the day you're going to win her. You take a shower, eat, do all that stuff you do every morning. You write a letter to her, even though you think you're a pusillanimous individual for not just telling her, you still go with it. She's in a crowd of people. It's go time. You pray to god that someone else doesn't pick it up. You nonchalantly drop it infront of her and walk away.
1st period begins.