Author Topic: The Creator of Pepe the Frog Talks About Making Comics in the Post-Meme World  (Read 2329 times)

listen i know it's a meme and all but from the scans of this i've seen online which are forgetin rare for some reason matt's comic looks really good, and it's pretty hilarious to see what he thinks about this

click that at you're own risk he drew pepe jacking off

I n e e d t h e m e m e s t o s u r v i v e

now that is absolutely the rarest pepe...

What was that about not wanting to be known as le funny meme man?

Pepe is a weird meme though. He was originally just used for the feels good man picture then saw a rebirth with the feels guy and rare pepes. I've talked to people who weren't aware of Pepe's origins and I'm sure there is a hell of a lot more.

F E E L S   G O O D


F E E L S   G O O D
pepe has a sunscreen lotion mishap
What was that about not wanting to be known as le funny meme man?
forget u boy's club is a good comic

what the forget IS A PEPE

what the forget IS A PEPE

a gay frog that does gay things because the gay internet made it gay like a gay as gay thing