Author Topic: BLF Movie night - RIP  (Read 9565 times)

god damn it
I meant at around 7:00 pm EST.

The next movie night (which will be tonight unless I run into any problems) will probably have a theme. Some movie nights may be theme-less and I may just take movie suggestions, but I want to try a theme.

Give suggestions for a possible movie theme below, and later I will create a poll.

My suggestion is a Scooby-Doo direct-to-DVD movie night.

I will also be taking suggestions for emotes. Please provide an emote image and a name so I can create them.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 11:27:41 AM by joe411 »

Lets make a horror movie night.

I will also be taking suggestions for emotes. Please provide an emote image and a name so I can create them.

More than positive this is illegal

This is as illegal as going to someone's house to watch a movie. No one's recording the stream.

More than positive this is illegal

yes the FBI is going to arrest us all for illegal scooby doo trafficking

i'm fairly sure this isn't actually illegal

This is as illegal as going to someone's house to watch a movie. No one's recording the stream.

But you are streaming it without the consent of the publishers

This is not private in home viewing


But you are streaming it without the consent of the publishers

This is not private in home viewing
all we are doing is embedding youtube/google drive/dailymotion videos into a site
the only ones that are doing illegal things are the ones who uploaded the videos in the first place.

IIRC it's not illegal to livestream a movie like this. You can't rewind or pause or fast forward or download the video and it's not public so it's just like watching a movie at a friend's house.

I suggest we watch Cyberbu//y. Forums will love it. (might be difficult)
I'd also be up for Scooby Doo Direct-To-Video night.

Birther: Obama's Secret is a crazy documentary on Youtube about how Barack Obama kills JFK and then joins the Illuminati and serves satan. It's pretty crazy, and short. It's about 25 minutes.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 12:44:41 PM by McZealot »

Since I'm still on vacation and am using a laptop, tonight will probably end up being random suggested movies.
I am returning home in a few days, so hopefully I can do more complicated movie nights later.

keep sending those emotes and movie suggestions

I suggest that you get some moderators, since when you went offline it later devolved into a spamstorm.