Author Topic: Huge Explosion Blasts Tianjin, China [Aftermath, pg 16]  (Read 25700 times)

and so is the joke do you see this?
[img ][/img]

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Oh dear

Maxx only blasts coin purses
You're never going to forget that are you

Yet nobody has done that? I would clearly be able to tell depending on the things I feel.
I also don't have a carrot, I'm not a forgetin freak like you lol
User was banned for this post


Figuratively of course.

From the reddit.
Holy stuff that's damn scary, the reason the explosions happened is from a chain reaction, it's a sad thing to hear how many casualties there could possibly be, and that the area of the blast is toxic due to the chems, sucks for those who have to go into there and clean up what remains of that area

death toll rises to 50

i predict it will be in the hundreds-thousands before this is all over.

death toll rises to 50

i predict it will be in the hundreds-thousands before this is all over.
There will be thousands but China probably won't admit to the full amount. They'll try to play it off as smaller than it is.

Reminds me of the Buncefield fire It broke windows from miles away, I still remember it, except nobody died, and 45 people were injured (2 serious, 43 not serious).

Isn't 2015 the critical year in which it tests how we treat the environment? If so, we probably forgeted up big time.

As if the Gold King pollutant spill wasn't enough, there's this to add on to the fire. Thousands dead, tons of fuel lost, who knows what the hell is going to happen next.

and so is the joke do you see this?
[img ][/img]

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don't come back

It's like Chernobyl except it's not.

I actually had a dream about this yesterday when I first read this and saw the explosion, I was on a plane heading somewhere and I got an aerial view of the explosion because I was over China or some stuff. One of the first times where I dream about something actually relevant to my day. Thx brain for reminding me of this tragedy. 

:cookieMonster: but also :panda:

don't come back
Really? What is forcing people to say this every time someone gets banned?

Really? What is forcing people to say this every time someone gets banned?
the fact that no one likes maxx

Related Stories: Maxx gets banned, Recent surge in purses bought

Really? What is forcing people to say this every time someone gets banned?
uhh, probably that no one wants them here