Author Topic: Issues about my name  (Read 8440 times)

you're not fit to be in the community simply because of your immaturity
for your own good, stay away from here for at least 5 years
this is a lego game, dude
i assume 15-20 year olds aren't BL's target audience
so don't think that everyone that plays this game is gonna be mature.

this is a lego game, dude
i assume 15-20 year olds aren't BL's target audience
so don't think that everyone that plays this game is gonna be mature.
i'm 100% certain that blf is not a lego game, and i'm 100% sure i wasn't talking about blockland

this is a lego game, dude
i assume 15-20 year olds aren't BL's target audience
so don't think that everyone that plays this game is gonna be mature.

it isn't, but still, people can at least try not to be "LEL RANDUMB xddd!!!11!" - most of us were at one time, but how do we learn otherwise?

i'm 100% certain that blf is not a lego game, and i'm 100% sure i wasn't talking about blockland
Blockland forums isn't a lego game, correct, but it's for the community of the lego game Blockland isn't it? Seems to make sense that users who play Blockland would be on or sign up for the Blockland forums. Are you trying to say the Blockland forums has nothing to do with Blockland? It's a forum for the games community. Do you even think before you type?

Blockland forums isn't a lego game, correct, but it's for the community of the lego game Blockland isn't it? Seems to make sense that users who play Blockland would be on or sign up for the Blockland forums. Are you trying to say the Blockland forums has nothing to do with Blockland? It's a forum for the games community. Do you even think before you type?
I meant exactly what I said, nothing more nothing less. Please don't put words into my mouth. BLF demands a certain level of maturity. If you're below that level, you're not going to have a fun time here and that's been seen dozens of dozens of times. Some particularly immature people will require several years to reach that level of maturity.

I meant exactly what I said, nothing more nothing less. Please don't put words into my mouth. BLF demands a certain level of maturity. If you're below that level, you're not going to have a fun time here and that's been seen dozens of dozens of times. Some particularly immature people will require several years to reach that level of maturity.
I didn't put words into your mouth that is literally what you said.

To be fair Blockland has blood and gore (at least to some extent) and lots of hidden things that would make Blockland T for teen, such as that spray-can print.

I'm still a FNAF addict.
They'll grow out of harrasing you.

I'm still a FNAF addict.
They'll grow out of harrasing you.
No they won't

I'm still a FNAF addict.
They'll grow out of harrasing you.
It's not harassment to reveal to somebody that their cherished game is actually one of the greatest sins in game design and should be wiped off the face of the planet.

It's not harassment to reveal to somebody that their cherished game is actually one of the greatest sins in game design and should be wiped off the face of the planet.
first game was okay in my opinion
the others were unnecessary but they're not bad
the fanbase is the problem
do you actually have any reason to bash it or are you jumping on a bandwagon

first game was okay in my opinion
the others were unnecessary but they're not bad
the fanbase is the problem

this, you summed up my thoughts way quicker than I would have, I'm okay with the games, but the fanbase is the only real issue there is to complain about

It's not harassment to reveal to somebody that their cherished game is actually one of the greatest sins in game design and should be wiped off the face of the planet.
So in other words that your way of saying you're an starfish huh?

Isn't this game like 13 and up?