Author Topic: Feminism for a grade.  (Read 7912 times)

do u use the n word too because you have a black friend
p much the same idea it does not matter if u have friends who are part of the group being put down, it still perpetuates racism
Uh. No it doesn't. What.

The word monday doesn't perpetuate anything any more than calling someone handicapped does. What year do you think this is?

I was born with the wrong genitalia, my apologies.
i'm a few pages late but this is a nearly perfect way to briefly state why feminism is valid

whoa what happened to this thread

whoa what happened to this thread
We can do some simple equation to figure it out together

7 pages+trigger word in title (feminism)=argument
Its the perfect formula

We can do some simple equation to figure it out together

7 pages+trigger word in title (feminism)=argument
Its the perfect formula
i'm a bit confused as to what the intended connotation of "trigger" in this is

i'm a bit confused as to what the intended connotation of "trigger" in this is
...a word that triggers a reaction, obviously?

Feminism is pretty stupid -Don't shoot me yet- in this place called The Western Civilization. Feminism just isn't even needed in places like the US. We got over this issue in the 50s - 60s. I'd say feminism is needed in places like Morocco.
Then there's the "Men are nature's mistake" and stuff. (Yes. I'm aware that not every feminist is like this.) Those people should be thrown in a pit. With water. 8 feet deep. With sharks. Enough said.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 09:57:54 PM by Red Spy »

...a word that triggers a reaction, obviously?
the key word was "connotation." i didn't figure it was necessary to elaborate on what "trigger" could possibly connote other than what it usually does in this context so i didn't, his response would make it clear, which is why i requested clarification. if you aren't aware or are pretending to not be aware for the sake of debate: people often parody the idea of "triggers" when making fun of sjws, and so i'm a bit afraid he was implying that the idea of equality for women is some kind of radical sjw nonsense. spelling it out explicitly sounds stupid as seen in the preceding sentences and so i did not do it

edit for elaboration:
i didn't want to have a kneejerk reaction and assume he was implicitly dismissing feminism as some sjw circlejerk, so i requested some additional explanation.

Feminism is pretty stupid -Don't shoot me yet- in this place called The Western Civilization. Feminism just isn't even needed in places like the US. We got over this issue in the 50s - 60s.
we got over certain major de jure issues relating to loveual discrimination. there are still existing de facto (though the term doesn't fit as well here) social inequalities that are the centre of feminism in western culture today.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 10:18:56 PM by otto-san »

then i guess by that logic: people who self-diagnose are more right than doctors because they obviously know themselves more than doctors do
Did you really compare discrimination to doctors diagnosing patients?
I cannot comprehend at all how that connection is met.
Like, women aren't asking men if women are struggling against loveism. As, a patient would ask a doctor for something relating to what a doctor does.

It really seems like modern feminism has been lead astray by a vocal minority preaching misandric ideals, and because of poe's law unfortunately taking effect, it's only been a negative thing for the movement in general.

there is a huge difference between a feminist and a feminational socialist.

stop generalizing groups of people by watching sound-bait news stories.

feminism today:

feminism back then:

feminism isn't even fighting for a cause anymore. it should have ended back then when its purpose ended.
yo, feminism: shut the forget up.

It's like Setro hasn't read any posts about loud ignorant minority vs quiet well-informed majority.

Not surprising at all.