Author Topic: loubouille - lord of freaks  (Read 1271 times)

I begin loading in, like so.

All is quiet.

At around this point, then things started to get heated.

Once I joined, he was standing there, AFK. I know that he's going to turn this server into a FamilyRP at any moment, so this was my chance to have my lightshot ready.

Then he returns, and everything kicks off here.

Moments later, he stops for a few seconds, then I lag and crash. What a freak.

all of your images are broken

all of your images are broken
welp i can't fix them

anyway, they show me loading in and loubouille's avatar and then my game crashing

Try uploading those images into Imgur or Puush

Try uploading those images into Imgur or Puush
Do it. We need proof.

uploading pics, give me a minute

what did he do wrong exactly?
he took me hostage on his freebuild server on my steam bl, then I left to build, and he banned me for no reason at all

The server has dropped the connection.

You have been banned for -1 minutes by Loubouille.

Reason: You know the reason.

he took me hostage on his freebuild server on my steam bl, then I left to build, and he banned me for no reason at all

The server has dropped the connection.

You have been banned for -1 minutes by Loubouille.

Reason: You know the reason.
It seems that you took screenshots with the blockland controls. Doing that removes chat.

You should make use of that preview button, especially when making topics

prntscrn+paste into paint if you don't have something like puush so that you get the chat next time.

or just shift+p like a normal person