Author Topic: Got my wisdom teeth pulled out today.  (Read 973 times)

I have only my bottom two, so I'll keep feeling in my upper mouth after the operation fortunately. My dad grew and got to keep all four of his strangely enough, but he's a 6'5" mountain man type guy with a mouth to match so it doesn't surprise me. The laughing gas is probably the closest to doing drug drugs I'll ever be so that'll be interesting.

I'll update after I get back.


UPDATE: So the operation went smoothly. About laughing gas, it feels like a tingling that starts at your extremities, sort of like you're losing blood but you feel fine. It was weird to start smiling and laughing for little to no reason, but I didn't get to say anything interesting because they put me under pretty soon. They had an oxygen mask over me that had that bad hospital smell. They had an IV in my arm and administered the sedative through that. I can't think completely straight and have had to correct this post several times.

After I woke up, I felt both groggy and awake at the same time. I was really thirsty and my dad got me some water. I drank it and proceeded to dump most of it back out of my mouth and on to my lap because my tongue and lower lip couldn't tell that I had already swallowed it. I also talk like a mentally handicapped person unless I try really hard to articulate.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 01:46:40 PM by Admiral Obvious »

Tell us the funniest things you said while hit by happy gas when you get back

I've had 8 teeth pulled over the years, of which had to be surgically removed.

Sucks being born with crammed teeth, I feel for you. Just know the discomfort will be worth not looking like a shark in the end.

tell us what happy gas feels like

does it taste good

get well soon op

Updated OP. Still can't feel my lower jaw.

My heal time was rediculous fast. I stopped using my pain meds 3 days after surgery. And towards the end of that I was only using half pills. My follow up the next week showed I was healing extremely well. I was eating normal by then too.

I can now feel my lower jaw, and it hurts a ton.