Author Topic: Transparency messed up with model - [Solved]  (Read 1499 times)

the visor doesn't want to show where its suppose to

i have it no shaded plus no transparency and its looking like this

any way to fix it?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 01:03:27 PM by Trogtor »

tried to see if shadeless was the problem.

it wasnt

so i set exporting options to make it additive

you can at least see the ground, but still not the model

so apparently it thinks the whole model is transparent

i didnt set the texture of the symbol or the actual helmet transparent what the hell

What exactly is it supposed to look like?  Ever since the shader update transparency does not really work correctly, are you sure it is a problem with your model and not the engine?

What exactly is it supposed to look like?  Ever since the shader update transparency does not really work correctly, are you sure it is a problem with your model and not the engine?
i was thinking it was a problem with the engine until i found out the entire model doesnt show up behind glass

i didnt export the helmet material to have transparency i have no idea what is going on

doesnt cast shadows either

Ever since the shader update transparency does not really work correctly, are you sure it is a problem with your model and not the engine?
you have to /very/ carefully assemble a proper empty hierarchy for your model, its not entirely an engine issue (it still is, but there is a fix with the mentioned empties)
some vehicle maker would be able to help because vehicles seem to encounter this problem a lot

If you make every face of the transparent object a seperate node sorting will work correctly

As long as they don't intersect other transparent faces, that is

any way to fix the actual helmet not casting shadows or being able to see it through windows? i feel like thats whats causing the problem.

Are the helmet and the visor seperate nodes with seperate materials? Shadeless and transparent unchecked for the helmet?

Are the helmet and the visor seperate nodes with seperate materials? Shadeless and transparent unchecked for the helmet?
yeah they are separate

im not sure how much this will help but im just gonna give you all the details of what i made

here are the textures

(brightpink is the color of the underlights and the omega symbol while transpink is the visor)

Frame is the visor. just one material

the grid (i didnt bother renaming it) is the bottom of the helmet with the lights (also is some part of the helmet)

omega is the symbol inside of the helmet

and the helmet is the helmet, all one texture

Are you sure all of these have correct normals pointing outwards

That wouldn't cause it to not cast shadows though would it ?

Try parenting the transparent stuff to a different empty.
I used to have a similar problem to yours with transparent stuff. Eksi told me how to fix it:

I've found that this problem is always related to translucent materials. What seems to be the most important thing for solving this problem is keeping translucent materials as separate as possible.

I'm working on a Crown Victoria Police Interceptor, and I'm using flares on all the lights. The hood, trunk, headlights, taillights, signal lights, and light bars all vanished behind translucent bricks. However, after making sure the flare meshes themselves were the only ones using the flare materials, then parenting them to an empty mesh, the problem was solved. In fact, I just discovered this solution hours ago.

I renamed the bodydecor.001 squares (the ones with brakeLight as a material) to bodydecorBrakeFlare, parented the object to an empty named 'transcontainer,' and exported the DTS into my Vehicle_TestCar. This is the result:

Among my findings: My wheels are way bigger than yours.

I would send you this .blend but I assume you'd like to apply this strategy yourself, especially as it is quite a quick fix and I probably broke something else.

I don't remember why you sent me a .blend of the mule, but I'm very glad to have the opportunity to see your work up close. It's pretty nifty stuff. Let me know if you try to get this working.

As for the shadows, make sure to export your model as "triangle strips".
« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 12:12:34 PM by Barnabas »