Author Topic: Solaria The Blazeikin: "noobish activities"  (Read 7733 times)

Wow, all I did was wave my hands around because he wasn't answering my question.
And the ban time is horrible.

belong in stupid kicks/bans

were gonna need more context

its my first drama sorry

its my first drama sorry
explain to us literally everything that happened

explain to us literally everything that happened
So what I did, is come up to him in the thing he was in. I followed him and tried to get his attention, because he didn't listen to me. So in front of him I just clicked my hands. Then he banned me without any warning.
Its probably because he hates me from past experience, and he just wants me out.
(He used to be mattomanx.)

Its probably because he hates me from past experience, and he just wants me out.
(He used to be mattomanx.)
what's this "past experience" you brought up? did you do something to him a long time ago?

what's this "past experience" you brought up? did you do something to him a long time ago?
I probably annoyed him because I was really nooby, and stupid.

I probably annoyed him because I was really nooby, and stupid.
Problem Solved, you we're being a mung

Problem Solved, you we're being a mung
Yeah, probably. But that was a year or two ago.
But still, thanks.

Yeah, probably. But that was a year or two ago.
But still, thanks.
(Also, just saying. I wasn't being offensive or any stuff. I was just a idiot who couldn't rp.)

still doesn't matter, its a long ban so /support

Technically there is no proof that you weren't spamming or anything that would qualify as "Noobish".
Attatch proof this was all you did and I'll believe you.

I actually knew Solaria, Solarius or Mattonmanx or whatever the forget you want to call him one or two years ago.

When we first met, seemed like a really cool guy that was just a little rough around the edges, after a few weeks I got admin on his server from sticking around and after that he suddenly started acting like an angsty crawling in my skin type of teenager, he's socially inept and has a multiple personality disorder which lead to him being extremely annoying and doing extremely dumb stuff while keeping this 'I've got the whole world in my hands' attitude.

He started being an starfish by permamently banning everybody who even commited a minor violation and even once went so far as to permaban some admins who where completely innocent when if anything, they were only guilty of speaking their mind about the current situation on the server.

After a while of seeing enough injustice and him being ban happy, I called him out on his bullstuff and his response was to permamently ban me after a really short argument.

A few administrators defected, went on to create their own servers on BL and some were somewhat successful in their endeavours while others were not so lucky to get a large playerbase to stick around their servers.

From that day forth, this guy has blamed me for everything bad that has happened to him and thinks I am out to get him, I once contacted him again because he was legitimately harrassing one of my steam friends and told him that I can easily speak his parents if he continued this behavior because I legitimately had the ability to contact his guardians.

It's was honestly weird to talk to him again, not due to old times sake or something, it was more or less because he was writing gibberish and nonsensical things like 'YOU RUINED MY LIFE.' and 'GET AWAY FROM ME, STOP HARRASSING ME.', a few more gold examples would be 'I'm going through hard times thanks to you' alongside 'WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME... ? To harras me?'.

He later went and sperged out about how I took a dear online friend of his away from him, even though at the time we were speaking I in no way shape or form had the ability to speak to his online friend, this man is just a gem.