Author Topic: Admin Applications  (Read 2272 times)

admin app: please give admin

Age (It is recommended that you be at least 16 years of age): man

In Game Name: Reinforcements

In Game BL_ID: 23459

Prior Administration Experience (Required): I was admin at coolkid342's family rp

Why you want to be admin at my server: To be a manly admin ofc

Why I should pick you over (an)other applicant(s): Because I'm a man
for someone who had an climax over the spawn illusion your app sucks
admin app: please give admin

why would age be a request for applying for admin?

why would age be a request for applying for admin?
age fluctuates massively throughout blockland and it gives me an idea of how mature / how much i can trust the user

age fluctuates massively throughout blockland and it gives me an idea of how mature / how much i can trust the user
so would a mature 11 year old be less likely the position than an average 15 year old bloke on the internet, in other words is this like , an equal opportunity server?

so would a mature 11 year old be less likely the position than an average 15 year old bloke on the internet, in other words is this like , an equal opportunity server?
an average 15 year old bloke on the internet would not get admin. there are numerous reasons that any person wouldn't give admin to a 'mature' 11 year-old.

for someone who had an climax over the spawn illusion your app sucks

new server concept.
Wait are you talking about that one antechamber-esque thing that I thought was really cool?Because it was really cool

I understood how admin applications worked on other game servers, but Blockland I always kind of laughed at them.

Like, just find some trusted friends or people you know and give it to them.