Author Topic: MoltenKitten - stuffposting / Derailing  (Read 14395 times)

i just think you're equally dumb as you are irrelevant
generic insults dont help anyone ike be specific

also, kochie, apologies for coming after you all of the sudden, i assumed you were trying to make yourself look superior when it was just you being concerned

It's fine bro, I get what's going on and I'll leave you to it. I don't want to attack or provoke you.

generic insults dont help anyone ike be specific

Honestly the main difference between the skype clique and the qi clique is that nobody in the skype clique are genuinely malicious people.

Don't get me wrong because I'm not well versed in the qi drama but we have you, who's gotten in hot water for backdoor exploits and mulling about cityRPGs like you own the place, we have moltenkitten who has a victim complex and no thought control who ended up alienating damn near everyone on the forum, we have nuclear bear who's notorious for abusing administrative abilities rampantly and as far as I know the only cool person in QI is dargereldren.

I don't get what the forget is up with that cityRPG mod but everyone who's tried to run a server has problems in their head. Between iPhone, PSP, /ty, you and some other folks, there always seems to be that hot button issue of people not knowing how to perform the simple task of running a server.

And lastly, if my memory suits me correctly, your silly clan made a big stink about "cutting ties" with the forums because of some reason. It's not that I have a personal vendetta against you, but rather that I didn't forget your past and your clan's history because I know you guys have a habit of causing problems wherever you go

And lastly, if my memory suits me correctly, your silly clan made a big stink about "cutting ties" with the forums because of some reason.
its because they were bullied out of here

its because they were bullied out of here

Aka, their definition of bullying.

Bullying isn't building up a negative reputation of yourself and expecting people to respect you in the end.

Alright well 1: you sort of went off on a tanget about how the skype call is different from [Qi] instead of answering my original request for how I've been stupid/irrelevent lately, but I'll ignore this because it means you couldn't find anything and I'm almost insanely flattered by that.

Honestly the main difference between the skype clique and the qi clique is that nobody in the skype clique are genuinely malicious people.
Honestly, the "I've changed" argument is belabored to the point where it's both stupid and uneffective, so I'll go a different route here. There are four members of [Qi] if you only count active members: Couatl, dargereldren, MoltenKitten, and me. Couatl joined because [Qi] was originally a tool for me to identify people who wanted to help me with my CityRPG, and Couatl was a builder that helped me with a lot of maps. Dargereldren joined [Qi] because he was super admin on the freebuild I hosted when I got tired of hosting CityRPG servers, since he is a smart guy who doesn't make stupid bans or even says stupid things, I made him a Super Admin on the server and later the co-leader of the clan. MoltenKitten joined because I recruited him; I saw a few of his posts, and out of general concern for his well-being I tried to get him to join the clan so he had a place where he could be himself without being attacked for it; this is the same reason why he has to this day been allowed to stay in the clan regardless of the multiple issues this forum has with him.

I do not consider myself a malicious person, I do not consider MoltenKitten a malicious person, and I certainly do not consider Couatl or dargereldren malicious people, and I trust you to accept that the same way I'll accept you're claim that no one in the skype group is malicious.

Don't get me wrong because I'm not well versed in the qi drama
You're well versed in [Qi] drama; you litteraly caught up on it before posting this; I checked the "Who's Online" page waiting for your response.

we have nuclear bear who's notorious for abusing administrative abilities rampantly
Nuclear Bear made a bad name for the clan, but he's no longer an active part of it; I would like it if we could consider this a judgement of only the four active members, but I can certainly understand the argument that him having been a part of it affects the remaining members.

and as far as I know the only cool person in QI is dargereldren.
I'm glad you added this; dargereldren is one of my closest friends, and if you would have made a guilt by association argument here, I would have been super guilty of ever having gotten darg involved with [Qi] in the first place. Thank you.

but we have you, who's gotten in hot water for backdoor exploits and mulling about cityRPGs like you own the place
I don't get what the forget is up with that cityRPG mod but everyone who's tried to run a server has problems in their head. Between iPhone, PSP, /ty, you and some other folks, there always seems to be that hot button issue of people not knowing how to perform the simple task of running a server.
Honestly, the fact that there was already a backdoor in the code was major bait for 14 year old me; it was sort of like a "hey, you put your ID in me, and I'll make everyone think you're a coder smart enough to hack." I was an idiot for taking the bait, yes, but even though I did do all that, Badspot had my ass covered from the fact that he locked the backdoor function that I put my ID in, and, thank god, I was unable to do anything else malicous with that prewritten code.

...I have made myself extremely vulnurable by even responding to the backdoor argument here, but it is another one of my hopes that you respect the explanation I gave you, and forgive me for the mistakes I have made.

......Like seriously vulnurable, jesus the fact that I admitted to doing something bad can be used to dismiss almost every argument here, and I don't want that.

we have moltenkitten who has a victim complex and no thought control who ended up alienating damn near everyone on the forum
but we have you, who's gotten in hot water And lastly, if my memory suits me correctly, your silly clan made a big stink about "cutting ties" with the forums because of some reason. It's not that I have a personal vendetta against you, but rather that I didn't forget your past and your clan's history because I know you guys have a habit of causing problems wherever you go
I don't like drama; if it were up to me, I'd be the leader of a big clan with multiple fun servers up on Blockland right now because all the good coders and builders like crown, hammeredtior, crux, and a ton of other old members didn't leave the clan and actually stayed to help me out with the stuff I was planning. But it wasn't up to me, and I let everything fall apart because I'm a lazy starfish who lets little comments like "aoki is like a lingering fart that stinks up the place until somebody opens a window" get to me; it fell apart because people found out how insecure I was as a person and didn't want to have other people think them idiots for being in a clan with me. I'm friends with Molten, and I respected his idea of "cutting ties with the blf," because he joined [Qi] knowing I would do nothing to help him or his reputation, because he didn't think he was better than a bunch of "genuinely malicious people."

Molten doesn't alienate everyone on the forums. He's alienated on the forums, yea, but it is not because he choses to be disliked by a bunch of people; actually scratch that, I don't know much about MoltenKitten. He's a gigantic loving mystery to me, and I really don't want to delve into that; though, the question might be asked that "if you don't know all that well why be friends with him," and my answer to that would be because I don't want first impressions to rule my relationships, I want to give people the same slack that I want to be given to me when it involves their mistakes and quirks.  Also, I don't know much about the "thought control thing," but I do have some interesting ideas on that involve the impossibility of editing posts on a smartphone, and the fact that MK makes all his posts on a smartphone; it's a weird idea, that something small like that can cause a big gap between people like here with MK and the forums, but I like to think that it has some credit to it.

My head just started dying so I'm afraid I'll have to cut the conclusion short and end this drivel. If you were curious, the conclusion was going to make some connections with qi and whatever you want to call your own connections with nal because let's face it the skype call actually has nothing to do with what's been going on, yea some guys might be in a skype call but it's pretty much just friends sticking up for friends whether it be me sticking up for molt or you sticking up for nal or even you sticking up for rb2k when you thought i wanted to antagonize him.

...My main idea here is that we should be friends, I don't like arguing with you, or even Nal for that matter. I mean, I've tried to bury the hatchet before, but I'm just not good at this kind of thing; it might be pride, it might be my complete lack of social experiance, but it just hasn't gone well, and I guess putting it bluntly is the best way to do this: i don't like being looked down upon, I'm fine with being viewed as an equal, or sometimes when they prove it to me as less experianced, but i hate being called dumb/irrelevant because it shows litterally no compromise, and im just asking for a little compromise so i don't have to spend hours explaining myself when we could just shut the forget up and be friends

aoki goes damage control

ok listen aokunt keep talking like that and im gonna loving hiroshima your house

Interesting response, if you're being genuinely honest. It's hard to tell with people these days.

The only thing I know about the Qi drama is that when I read into it, it was just you doing this particular form of damage control after being outed for something you or your clan members did. Banter aside, since I really wasn't involved in any of the drama, I didn't really form that strongly of an opinion of it other than that some members from Qi are 'nothing but trouble'. Nothing's really happened to show me or other people otherwise.

why is this about the clique now

why is this about the clique now
where the forget did molten go

why is this about the clique now

because molten is in a clique, therefore clique wars

to be fair I thought it kicked off with this
oh by the way ike i cant post because we'll be called a clique

to be fair I thought it kicked off with this

that too gj nail