Author Topic: What do I make my middle name? Suggest here!  (Read 2754 times)

You might know about my "father" from other posts I've made. If you haven't, he's a meth addict, has committed multiple felonies, etc. etc.
His whole side of the family is really screwed up, so I'm getting my last name changed from his to my stepdad's. While I'm at it, I'm going to change my middle name to something new. My middle name also came from a man from that side of the family (a different person than my "father", he broke out of prison pretty much) and sounds pretty stupid with the rest of my name, Howard. Since I can change my middle name for free during the name change, I may as well change it. Give me some ideas

Ideas I've had:

My first name is not howard, that is my middle name currently
« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 06:12:02 PM by GMO Ferret »

make it like 5345363 like that one family in europe or whatever

i think this whole post was just a well disguised "danger is my middle name" joke

make it like 5345363 like that one family in europe or whatever
Can't, that'd be cool though

i think this whole post was just a well disguised "danger is my middle name" joke
My parents say they would be proud of me to choose my middle name to be danger

i think this whole post was just a well disguised "danger is my middle name" joke

Ralph Johnson

i think this whole post was just a well disguised "danger is my middle name" joke
thats amazing

if you change your middle name to danger you hAVE to make that joke

and if not, i suggest "Alucard"
it's just "dracula" backwards

Middle names are for losers. Double-barrel your surname.

your first name is howard?? that's my last name
change your middle name to howard then marry me


For some reason, "Howard Lee [yourlastname]" sounds good to me.

Carter is my second suggestion. Howard Carter.