Author Topic: addon lacks CRC/model help  (Read 1155 times)


im trying to edit an existing addon by replacing the existing vehicle model with my own, but when i spawn it in game, blockland just crashes. i feel like this is the issue:

what could be causing the addon to lack a CRC?
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 09:55:33 AM by mod-man »

what could be causing the addon to lack a CRC?
From what I noticed myself, it only seems to do this when it loads unzipped add-ons.

I'm sure the crashing is another issue entirely.

The issue is something to do with your model.
As dargereldren said, the CRC is only there if the add-on is in a zip because of what the CRC is.

You can't CRC an unzipped folder, because a CRC is a single file identifier. You can CRC the server.cs, you could CRC Vehicle_Rock.cs, but not the Vehicle_Rock folder. however would be one file, and thus CRC-able.

i see. i feel silly now that CRCs are just a .zip related thing lol

think i could get a little insight on my model? this is what im working with

my model uses two real textures. one for the body and one for the face. both are 512x512. im also editing the pioneers rock addon
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 09:58:01 AM by mod-man »

What does your export setup look like? That's usually were it goes wrong.

The only thing I can suggest is
  • Name the meshes differently so that they don't share a name
  • See if it still crashes if you don't export the materials

The only thing I can suggest is
  • Name the meshes differently so that they don't share a name
  • See if it still crashes if you don't export the materials
working on that now. if it works without the textures, what would be the correct way to go about getting textures to work?

working on that now. if it works without the textures, what would be the correct way to go about getting textures to work?
I would have no idea. I just know that Torque can be really stupid sometimes with how it handles things.

I would have no idea. I just know that Torque can be really stupid sometimes with how it handles things.
i figured it out. i used a different dts exporter to specify its collision mesh and it works!! textures and all

512x512 size textures don't really seem necessary, you should make those smaller