Author Topic: Krishinher bans for - """Destroying the merp"""  (Read 2731 times)

So me and teh are just RPing jokingly,
when suddenly:

and then

Note that this is a PERMA.

you came onto an rp server where people were rping within a specific setting and environment and you and your pals literally started richarding around

this guy is totally in the right to show you the door, if you're going to conduct yourself in a manner that actively harms the server's function what're you even doing there

wandering into peoples homes and stuffting all over their carpet is generally frowned upon and its especially frowned upon to try to play it off like you're the victim you dipstuff

don't you usually just host your own merp? just joke around on that one if you don't want to get banned, people actually like to take merp seriously sometimes

From the screenshot, the background shows a literal slate, no bricks, so you were improving the merp.

From the screenshot, the background shows a literal slate, no bricks, so you were improving the merp.
OP probably either hosted or joined an empty server to take pictures

So me and teh are just RPing jokingly,
Case closed. I would do the same if you did that same thing on my server. If you want to play the funny guy, get out.

Anyone else read the title as Kirchner bans for - """Destroying the merp"""?

Anyone else read the title as Kirchner bans for - """Destroying the merp"""?

to be honest i read "merp" as "merp" and not "m e rp"

So me and teh are just RPing jokingly,
where Kris is hosting a serious role playing server? Dry fire usually results in the gun backfiring. watch where you step.

i dont understand the pictures

the blf account is "laneer", however the only two banned on the server is the green builder and royalviking, what is this? an alt multiclient or???

i dont understand the pictures

the blf account is "laneer", however the only two banned on the server is the green builder and royalviking, what is this? an alt multiclient or???
Laneer was banned too, they're all different people, you can tell because it says "and then".


You guys were richarding around when they were tyring to play legitimately.

lol laneer acting like a twit again.

not surprised at all tbh

perma was harsh but you deserved some sort of punishment tbh


if your gonna go richard around on another merp then you should get banned for disrupting the system of playing legitimately