Author Topic: Tumblr's getting raided with gore and research (No Pics)  (Read 5192 times)

30 minutes later,

while deliberately searching for inappropriate content I keep finding tag related lame bullstuff.

Where is the gore and research?

should all be gone by now

"Getting what they want" is ultimately a bunch of two-bit trolls leaning back in their chairs as they laugh about how much attention they're getting, up until they disappear from the radar because their five seconds of infamy was a short-lived, temporary victory over random people on the internet. This whole thing will blow over as another handicapped raid from /b/ and nothing will be gained or lost, save for a handful of morons and their accounts.

It doesn't matter if they get what they want, at least we can live with the satisfaction that we weren't the ones that stooped low enough to resort to petty trolling tactics to pass time
30 minutes later,

while deliberately searching for inappropriate content I keep finding tag related lame bullstuff.

Where is the gore and research?
Probably cleared out by now.
But they were "invading" popular tags.
Still probably cleared out.
loving stufflord beat me to the punch. Gg

I'm pretty sure they're doing it because the voices inside their self-diagnosed schizophrenic heads is telling them to raid themselves and pretend to be a 4channer
it's probably reddit trying to make 4chan look bad

only reddit would be that obnoxious and want to victimize themselves. 4chan isn't organized enough to pull off something like this.
then again, stuff like this is out there that makes me think it's both of them trying (AND FAILING!!!) to make it seem like it's one website or the other

idk what you guys think tumblr is but the "extremists" would never do anything like this, if they were extremists they would be extremely against this. tumblr is usually a personal website, personal enough that people regularly post selfies. people on reddit and 4chan do stupid bullstuff like this because they are consisted of edgy 15 year-olds who dont have to worry about their personal identity being brought into it.

This reminds me of the national socialist invasion of Russia

-i didnt read-

the amount of kek and jej and stuff made me cringe harder than i do in YCYL
holy stuff man


these sound exactly like the kind of names that would be associated in a stuffty raid

i wouldn't be surprised if there was a cutout point for their ""raid"" because it was bedtime

it's probably reddit trying to make 4chan look bad
only reddit would be that obnoxious and want to victimize themselves. 4chan isn't organized enough to pull off something like this.
then again, stuff like this is out there that makes me think it's both of them trying (AND FAILING!!!) to make it seem like it's one website or the other

idk what you guys think tumblr is but the "extremists" would never do anything like this, if they were extremists they would be extremely against this. tumblr is usually a personal website, personal enough that people regularly post selfies. people on reddit and 4chan do stupid bullstuff like this because they are consisted of edgy 5 year-olds who dont have to worry about their personal identity being brought into it.
Fixed the age stuff

More than likely it a group of people from neither reddit, tumblr, or 4chan. People who act like this generally don't fit in with the general population (by even 4chan's standards) well.

More than likely it a group of people from neither reddit, tumblr, or 4chan. People who act like this generally don't fit in with the general population (by even 4chan's standards) well.
Plot twist: they're from Instagram.

Fixed the age stuff
hahaha you're soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!

or they're just stupid kids on irc attacking websites because they're stupid kids

Plot twist: they're from Instagram.
some of the same tags in op have been chalk full of memes for months

More than likely it a group of people from neither reddit, tumblr, or 4chan. People who act like this generally don't fit in with the general population (by even 4chan's standards) well.
i'm leaning more towards this tbh

More than likely it a group of people from neither reddit, tumblr, or 4chan. People who act like this generally don't fit in with the general population (by even 4chan's standards) well.
or they're just stupid kids on irc attacking websites because they're stupid kids
could be, seems like that kind of community would be small enough that it would actually be coordinated