Author Topic: colorset or something  (Read 2188 times)

yo so like people were asking me for a dl to this colorset and im like y but they're like do it nerd and im like aight so im just making a topic for this dl it if u want lol

download ayy lmao

I feel like someone made this colorset already

i very much do like the colors

Does it have every default color in it

Does it have every default color in it
u cant tell by looking?

u cant tell by looking?
Asking if they are exactly default, the default save loader in Blockland can translate the colors well but the duplorcator isn't as good so I'm asking if they are exact.

Asking if they are exactly default, the default save loader in Blockland can translate the colors well but the duplorcator isn't as good so I'm asking if they are exact.
none of them look even close to default r u blind

maybe hes colorblind
you dont knoooow him

Don't females see more colors than males? I noticed some of the colors didn't look like default by the way.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 02:29:14 PM by Spartan224 »

Don't females see more colors than males? I noticed this didn't look like default by the way.
Blood Orange