Author Topic: If Disney bought blockland  (Read 1742 times)

If you say a swear word you get permanently banned.

Say something about what Disney would do to blockland
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 02:38:07 PM by ?Sir Info? 2 »

then disney would own blockland

stufflord would get revoked for having a bad word in his name

The BLF would be filled with under 10 year olds

Oh, and also. You would be forced to a blockhead, all customization options are B5, Blockoins. 10 blockoins for 5 dollars. Pay $5 to make a server and You had the option to make it so people had to pay to join.

That image is fake.

The forum community would end up being Roblox' community.

on the bright side though, they'll add a default mickey mouse ears hat for your character.

$700 for full year membership, two currencies, one that you can obtain by playing and other that you only get by spending real money and it's the one that allow you to buy all the nice things, everyone looks plain without a decal and normal colors except if you buy the VIP to unlock more avatar options and you're completely weak and hopeless compared to VIP players and they always win.

the very idea disgusts me

where did this joke originate from?

$700 for full year membership, two currencies, one that you can obtain by playing and other that you only get by spending real money and it's the one that allow you to buy all the nice things, everyone looks plain without a decal and normal colors except if you buy the VIP to unlock more avatar options and you're completely weak and hopeless compared to VIP players and they always win.

so basically roblox

Automatic snake detection

All the Jewish users would be automatically revoked

so basically roblox
Yup, after all Roblox have a partnership with Disney