Author Topic: Why are honor students so stuff?  (Read 5330 times)

"I need to defend myself! Let me buy a firearm instead of relying on local police. That's a great idea!"
"Let me keep this revolver/magnum/shotgun/etc right here in the open with the ammo right next to it in case I need to grab it quickly! What's the worst that could happen?"

Local police have been notified within minutes of every school shooting that has ever happened, ever. It's usually when the cops break down the doors that the shooter caps himself. They don't like the idea of getting shot by someone other than themselves, leaves too much room to wake up in the hospital and leave in handcuffs. Hardcore Gamers tend to avoid going to places where they know there are guns.

idk about your magic cops but most police officers can't just teleport to a crime scene, it takes time to drive there. within that time is time you could be dead or worse
what could be worse than getting killed

what could be worse than getting killed
getting forgeted in the ass by someone who could probably kill you later

they should use swords that would be way cooler

Actually, I don't really know. There are laws stating that firearms must be separate from their ammo and hidden but the amount of people who actually respect those laws are slim and what's the point of owning a firearm in a city/town? It's understandable out in a farm because it will take 2 hours for police to arrive but in a city where officers are around the place usually all the time? It doesn't make sense. Lets not forget the added dangers of some kid finding it and blowing its brains out by looking into the barrel.
Fun fact. Every single major shooting in the United States since 2001 (I think, something like that) except for two has been in a gun-free zone. And as for some kid finding it, that's the gun owner's fault for not keeping the gun in a safe and secure location or with a gun lock.

EDIT: Wait, nope, my bad, it was actually every single major shooting since the 60s.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 10:35:16 AM by Blockhead8306 »

we need stricter gun control

usually they get much better after their second sitting because they gain experience from it but too bad nobody makes it after the first

this is something i always think about the day after a school shooting, as there are like at least 100 people crowding next to each other in lunch areas and hallways. Part of the reasoning is probably because most of us haven't shot a real gun, so we're only use to knowing how guns work in video games where you hold down a button and 50 bullets spray directly into their heads, whereas you dont have a crosshair in real life and hitting them where you aim in a panicked area with people running, recoil, screaming and all that would put you off.

also everyone in this topic has been put on an fbi list gj op

If you think about it, it's probably kinda difficult to time a school shooting when people are gonna be in the halls. I mean, the second anyone figures out you've got a gun, the school's gonna go into lockdown. And then you're gonna be forgeted. You can't exactly just stand around the halls with a rifle waiting for the bell to ring.

idk about your magic cops but most police officers can't just teleport to a crime scene, it takes time to drive there. within that time is time you could be dead or worse
Which is why patrolling officers are a thing. For example, we have an officer every two blocks.but they're looking at their phone so that's not as useful as it could be

what could be worse than getting killed
Fingering your sister and finding your dads wedding ring.

Fingering your sister and finding your dads wedding ring.

Take it to a "gun free zone" where there's nobody looking.
what does this mean
im pretty sure the entirety of the school is a gun free zone

Didn't Harper-Mercer own like 13 handguns? I don't get it. If the dude can get 13 handguns, surely he could get something more exciting. I see people on youtube all the time shooting fully automatic AK-47's with drum barrels. Lets see some shootings in 7.62x39mm, enough with the pusillanimous individual 9mm bullstuff.
fully automatic weapons are illegal to civilians in most states