Author Topic: How do I make a vehicle addon (cars).  (Read 723 times)

I've decided I want to make my own vehicles that I want to see in Blockland (because no one else will).

What programs do you suggest? (Anything other then blender).

Also how would I get it into the game?

There isn't anything really better than Blender if you want it to be free.

You would need to get a dts exporter from here
There's three to choose from.
  • One For Blender
  • One For Milkshape 3D
  • One For 3D Studio Max 6
That's all I can help with

I appreciate your help. Thank you :cookieMonster:

There is a tutorial for exporting your vehicle to blender. [Link. Use Notepad++ or Notepad2 to edit vehicle scritps to get yours working.

I have a feeling this won't end well. I hope I can make a car but at the same time I'm pretty junk at blender.

Good luck,Speaking of addon,I wonder when I'll actully finish My Train Brick and possibly vehicle Pack.
Say,What kind of car you modeling?

Trying to model is the better word. Also I'm trying to model this. (Basically my avatar). Good luck to you too.

I hope Milkshape 3D will be easier.

try not starting with something complex for your first time in blender
take things slow and get a good feel for Blender before you move on
im confident you might make something worthwhile

I'm pretty junk at blender.
Yeah, I am too. except I have no experience lawl