Author Topic: Forum Besties  (Read 9939 times)

some of you guys are alright

i don't particularly like anybody here

some of you guys are alright
don't come to off topic tomorrow if you live in the forums

hodototman and Boink but boink doesn't post anymore

everyone is my best friend ;)

wait so why is he online
fox real talk if a furry is yiff'd to death in the woods does it make a yelp?

fox real talk if a furry is yiff'd to death in the woods does it make a yelp?
No, because it's dead you loving handicap.
Christ, think these things through!!!

who would want to publicly be friends with me?

fox real talk if a furry is yiff'd to death in the woods does it make a yelp?
in the furry world, there are slang terms for this phenomenon, however "yelp" is not one of them, because it sounds too close to "help" and no true furry would want a good yoffing to stop


and probably a few more

wait so why is he online

not sure. he just doesn't post anymore. i talk to him on steam daily though