Author Topic: Framerate Issues...  (Read 1904 times)

Blockland is a fairly simple lookinggame with really jaggy shaders...... BUT IT LAGS CRAZILY! I can run Dying light On max graphics with 60fps, But not blockland, Its really getting on my nerves when i try to have slight realism. Can anyone suggest a Mod/addon or ANY sort of help.

Post your graphics card info.

please dont say "i can run this other game at high fps!"

there is no comparison between how other games work

Post your graphics card info.
where Would i find this, you mean my cards SPECS?

please dont say "i can run this other game at high fps!"

there is no comparison between how other games work

K, sorry.

where Would i find this, you mean my cards SPECS?
download this
tell us what it says about the gpu

Is this what you want?

a 6900 series is pretty old, this is why its laggy

a 6900 series is pretty old, this is why its laggy
Dang.I still dont understand how this games very simple graphics can lag even on this.

Dang.I still dont understand how this games very simple graphics can lag even on this.
The problem with sandbox games is that the CPU has to render every single block that is within you're field of view.
For example, let's say you have a wall of blocks and behind that wall you have another block. When you look a the wall, you can't see the block behind the wall, but your CPU still renders it since it's within your field of vision.
Minecraft does a better job of fixing this issue, but still isn't perfect.

The problem with sandbox games is that the CPU has to render every single block that is within you're field of view.
For example, let's say you have a wall of blocks and behind that wall you have another block. When you look a the wall, you can't see the block behind the wall, but your CPU still renders it since it's within your field of vision.
Minecraft does a better job of fixing this issue, but still isn't perfect.
I see. Thanks clone and stufflord. I turned my draw disatnce down from max and its a bit better.  :cookie: For you Guys!

Minecraft does a better job of fixing this issue, but still isn't perfect.
The windows store version actually does a great job of rendering than the desktop version.

If I remember there are advanced options to see what type OpenGL should do, you could try to mess with those options and see which one helps have better FPS.

The problem with sandbox games is that the CPU has to render every single block that is within you're field of view.

That's only because it was never optimized properly. You can make a similar environment run a lot faster in modern engines.