Author Topic: RESO IS AT IT AGAIN  (Read 5465 times)

Basically reso and his two butt buddies were in a gang war with me and Prodigy effects.
Sunny was AFK so she could not put me into the Katana Crew(my gang) team.
Me and effects were whipping their ass, and so out of no were they said I was RDMing since I wasn't on the gang team.
NOTE: reso and his buddies just brought it up when we were kicking their ass.

ps. i had to run to a soccer game so pics aren't in order

Jesus christ so much ResoluteGamer dramas.


last night on slopes ctf he tried to piss me and velor off (we're both mods)

~Resolute Gamer Here...

It seems as if this is how blockland solved problems, forums, drama's. Does it get you anywhere? No it doesn't I've been drama'd a whole lot of times just because I was in the "Prodigy Clan"... Not even being aware in the beginning that that clan had lots of dramas, I wouldnt've joined in the first place but thats another story.

Anyways James, you can suck it up because you know DAMN well you were on the civilian team and had no right to RDM me, you were not in the gang and should've waited for sunny to put you in it before you started killing. So this whole drama is all your fault here.

It's a shame that you people feed off of drama like this, I'm a good guy. You guys are too blunt to even notice, and loving Velor gets pissed because of my natural gaming ways when I get angry in a unfair gameplay. I'm pretty sure if someone got aimbotted a million times they'd rage but... Seriously, idc about these dramas anymore, they're just fun to read because it just lets me know that the person who wrote it couldn't find a differen't way to settle this situation.

~Resolute Gamer Here...

It seems as if this is how blockland solved problems, forums, drama's. Does it get you anywhere? No it doesn't I've been drama'd a whole lot of times just because I was in the "Prodigy Clan"... Not even being aware in the beginning that that clan had lots of dramas, I wouldnt've joined in the first place but thats another story.

Anyways James, you can suck it up because you know DAMN well you were on the civilian team and had no right to RDM me, you were not in the gang and should've waited for sunny to put you in it before you started killing. So this whole drama is all your fault here.
how crap how thick-skulled are you.
Sunny was afk
Normal admins CAN'T CHANGE TEAMS
I was on the gang but since sunny [/b] WAS AFK [/b] i couldn't be moved to the slayer team
also i'm not waiting six hours for sunny to get back
as well as you pulled that card when we started to kick your handicapped gang's ass

It's a shame that you people feed off of drama like this, I'm a good guy. You guys are too blunt to even notice, and loving Velor gets pissed because of my natural gaming ways when I get angry in a unfair gameplay. I'm pretty sure if someone got aimbotted a million times they'd rage but... Seriously, idc about these dramas anymore, they're just fun to read because it just lets me know that the person who wrote it couldn't find a differen't way to settle this situation.
holy jesus christ
your apparently 16 yet you have the iq of a 2nd grader
i can't settle the situation differently since your dumbass banned me since we were KICKING YOUR ASS
your the admin, its basicly your goddamn job to handle situations like this
the fact is that you abused your power to win a handicapped gang war in a town rp

forget sorry for the double (now tri) post

You don't need to apologize for double post because it's drama (unable to edit)

reso is 9 i swear

"how to be a 12 - 13 year old arrogant bastard" - resolute gamer

"how to be a 12 - 13 year old arrogant bastard" - a book by resolute gamer
oops fixed

You guys are too blunt to even notice, and loving Velor gets pissed because of my natural gaming ways when I get angry in a unfair gameplay
do you even know what blunt means? because it doesn't mean quite what you think it means. and "natural gaming ways" lmao. whats that even supposed to mean

Seriously, idc about these dramas anymore
nice one.

It's a shame that you people feed off of drama like this, I'm a good guy. You guys are too blunt to even notice, and loving Velor gets pissed because of my natural gaming ways when I get angry in a unfair gameplay. I'm pretty sure if someone got aimbotted a million times they'd rage but... Seriously, idc about these dramas anymore, they're just fun to read because it just lets me know that the person who wrote it couldn't find a differen't way to settle this situation.
they can't find a different way to settle anything because you're too dense to understand if they are

edgy stuff snip, also 'natural gaming ways'
Also, I don't think you should go on the offensive here, considering how you banned James for kicking your ass on a virtual LEGO game.
And if you're literally just trying to 'brag' with the 'natural gaming ways' thing, then you're just loving pathetic.
Seriously, idc about these dramas anymore,
Does this count as dismissive?
they can't find a different way to settle anything because you're too dense to understand if they are
sick burn yo