Author Topic: No Fap November  (Read 14689 times)

'flash' is my most common tag I use

Damn dude. Ultimate fap material, right here.

Damn dude. Ultimate fap material, right here.

i can't tell if you're joking or serious

I just realized something:
September is the 9th month, not the 7th
October is the 10th month, not the 8th
November is the 11th month, not the 9th
December is the 12th month, not the 10th

Was there two months added in too late or something?

I just realized something:
September is the 9th month, not the 7th
October is the 10th month, not the 8th
November is the 11th month, not the 9th
December is the 12th month, not the 10th

Was there two months added in too late or something?
Pretty much, yes.
September, October, November and December were the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th months of the early Roman calendar. (March was the beginning of the year for them).
They were moved back with the introduction of January and February, which became the start of the year. Hence those months moving back by two.

Before Julius Caesar and Augustus reformed the calendar, the month of July was called Quintilis (Fifth Month) and August was called lovetilis (Sixth Month).

i kind of fapped this morning, but i didn't get to finish because i was interrupted... does that still count

if u didnt throw sperm everywhere then ur fine

i think dry climax counts too though cause some people can still do that

um what is love i still dont know what fap is guys

but I don't like furry stuff
well that seems like a u problem doesnt it

i kind of fapped this morning, but i didn't get to finish because i was interrupted... does that still count
What would your brother think if he saw this FFS.