Author Topic: 2015/11/03 - Blockland r1972  (Read 101903 times)

Multiple packets are now sent to ghosting clients on each network tick, reducing ghosting and file download times
Oh god yes.

Thank you Badspot for the faster download time!

this is a good update, the download freezing bug was pretty annoying and faster ghosting/loading is great too

Ok, take 2
it finally worked, THANK YOU SO MUCH BADSPOT and for caring about the people using the older versions of microsoft windows.. i think you might be the first one to care about that but on many other games they dont really do that anymore

Ok, take 2
Immediate response: It works.

Thanks to this update, BlockNet's unfathomable network capacity can finally be well utilized.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 08:18:15 PM by Pecon »

is there a workaround for linux wine systems
i don't know anything about how i would even begun to fix this so i could use some help

all my wine blockland servers are out of date and still work, 1972 connects fine and the master server is listing them
just dont update them and you will be fine

all my wine blockland servers are out of date and still work, 1972 connects fine and the master server is listing them
just dont update them and you will be fine
but i want the speed
and if there's an update in the future i'm probably going to want it as well


  • Administrator
r1973 should fix the XP/wine compatibility

r1973 should fix the XP/wine compatibility
you are truly a god

Did the "Regenerating Shadow Map FBOs..." timeout issue on certain servers get fixed?


I have seen a few others complain about it, but I don't have specific threads I can link.

Oh, so that's why you logged into your server earlier? I was afraid you saw me log in and were coming to yell at me for coming in.