

Continue HIGH ROLLERS (Are you serious)
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Author Topic: HIGH ROLLERS  (Read 12503 times)

EDIT: I kick razor in the nuts and phoenix splash him
« Last Edit: November 08, 2015, 04:43:55 PM by HULKHOGANWWFWORLDCHAMPION »

Get a laser pointer, and aim it directly into Razor's eye. Then stare at him.

I use my bar and beat razor to death with it.

Put laser pointer goggles on my eyes, turn them on and then stare intensely as forget at razor

i walk out of my cell and go straight past the canadians

pick up a ripped out cell bar and sharpen it so it can be used as a weapon.

I get an AKM from the floor and start shooting razor.

I hide the spoon in my shoes (if i have shoes)

magically appear (join request)

magically appear (join request)

Always accepting new meatshields players.

Get a laser pointer, and aim it directly into Razor's eye. Then stare at him.
I use my bar and beat razor to death with it.
Put laser pointer goggles on my eyes, turn them on and then stare intensely as forget at razor
i walk out of my cell and go straight past the canadians
pick up a ripped out cell bar and sharpen it so it can be used as a weapon.
I get an AKM from the floor and start shooting razor.
I hide the spoon in my shoes (if i have shoes)

Glass Joe: Rolled a 3. Minor Failure! You whip out a Laser Pointer and aim it at Razor, only for him to cover his eyes. You then stare him down, only for Razor to shoot back with his own Death Glare.

Space1255: Rolled another 3. What the hell, Random.org? Minor Failure! x2 Combo You charge at Razor with your bar and end up taking a swing at him, only for Hadley Deven to dive in the way and take the blow instead(2DMG).
NotBomberGuy: Rolled a 8. SUCCESS! You whip out the Laser Pointer Goggles and stare at Razor with extreme intensity, hitting him for 1 DMG.
Zoltan: Rolled a 4. MINOR FAILURE! You walk out of your now-open Cell Door and walk straight into the Canadians, who are bodyblocking the only exit.
KidAlex90: Rolled a 9. SUCCESS! You grab a cell bar and sharpen it against the concrete walls.
CRITAWAKETS: Rolled a 9. I don't know why, but the RNG Gods are benevolent. SUCCESS! You whip out a AKM smuggled in your toilet and fire a four-round burst at Razor, striking him between the eyes for 2 DMG.
Copy Kirby: Rolled a 11. GONE HORRIBLY RIGHT! You hide a spoon in your shoes before accidentally stabbing your feet with the spoon for 1 DMG.

Hadley Deven rolls a 1. forgetUP! Hadley Deven whips out the Pepper Spray and tries to attack HULKHOGAN, only to realize too late he was holding it backwards. Hadley takes 2 DMG and is incapacitated.
Razor, Assisted by Gordie Montgomery rolls a 12. REALLY PUSHING IT! Razor whips out a Stinger Grenade and drops it at his feet, sending rubber balls flying everywhere and striking Glass Joe, Legodude, and NotBomberGuy for 1 DMG along with himself.
InstaDeath Roll: Failed! Bosses have partial immunity to InstaDeath Rolls!
Garth Ira rolls a 0. SPECTACULAR FAILURE! Garth Ira whips out a Stun Gun and attempts to taze Cybertails, only to end up tazing himself to the point where he lights on fire.
InstaDeath Roll: What A Shame.
Garth Ira runs around flailing wildly in a vain attempt to put out the fire before dramatically jumping out the window in slow-motion, landing skull-first on the snow below and cracking it!

"You think you can take me?" Razor shouts. "COME ON!" He continues triumphantly. "I WON'T GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!"
You can still hear gunfire and wild shouts in the floors of the Gulag above and below you. The other prisoners are really rioting here!

Canadian Gulag Guard Gordie Montgomery - 4/4 HP
Canadian Gulag Guard Hadley Deven - 0/4 HP
[MINIBOSS]Canadian Gulag Guard "Razor" - 6/10 HP

Copy Kirby- 5 HP, LightInjury
Cybertails - 6 HP, Healthy
LegoDude- 4 HP, Wounded
CRITAWAKETS, Canadian savior - 4 HP, Wounded
Zoltan - 6 HP, Healthy
NotBomberguy - 5 HP, Light Injury
Glass Joe - 5 HP, Light Injury
Space1255 - 6 HP, Healthy
HULKHOGAN - 6 HP, Healthy
Kidalex90 - 6 HP, Healthy
[NPC]Patrolling Guard Boris Proletariat- -1 HP, loving Dead

Scenario Statistics:
Most Successful Player: Copy Kirby (2 Gone Horribly Right) and CRITAWAKETS (1 InstaDeath Roll Survived)
Guards Converted: 1
Guards Killed: 6
Enemy Mishaps: 4
Most Damage Caused: Space1255(9 DMG)
Deadliest Player: Space1255(1 Kill) and NotBomberGuy(1 Kill)
Most Untrustworthy: Space1255(1 TeamKill)

Code: [Select]
0: Spectacular Failure With Injury and Chance of Death
1-2: forgetup With a Chance of Injury
3-4: Minor Failure
5: Mixed Result (Pretty much nothing)
6-7: Slight Success
8-9: Success
10: Critical Success
11: Gone Horribly Right (Critical Success w/ Chance of Injury)
12: Really Pushing It (Critical Success w/ Injury and Chance of Death)
13: JESUS! (Critical Success w/ Instant Death)
Assisting adds +2 to a Roll and sacrifices your turn. Action Rolls are done for pretty much everything but reviving another dead player.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 12:42:07 AM by tber123 »

Call in a TANK! The canadian rebels are with us on this journey.

i politely ask the canadians to move aside

Get in a triangular for motion with peeps with weapons up front, everyone! We'll charge at him bit by bit! Weapons first, then we surround him with e rest of us gradually. I begin charging at him, hoping to impale him.

I'll make a mess causing the floor around the boss to be wet causing him to slip and fall.

> Throw some furniture at Razor