Author Topic: Mace's Throne  (Read 1182 times)

Mace's Throne

What is it?

It's a server where you are a peasant and follow Mace's (The Kings) orders. If you disobey Mace's orders, or do a bad job at the task, you can receive punishments. Punishments include: Getting stones thrown at you, a lot of manual labor, non-stop working, and many others. If you do a good job, you can be promoted to a higher class than a peasant. Higher classes include: Administrator (Doesn't mean admin), which watches over the peasants' work, and reports it back to Mace.

Some Jobs:

Making a new room, cleaning the floors, giving Mace a bath, and following all of Mace's orders.
*All things built must be made in shining gold*

Ranking System:

King (Mace Only)
Royal Guard
Administrator (Not Admin)
First Class Peasant
Second Class Peasant
Third Class Peasant


P.S. The blue water right under the statue is not a snake, it's a fountain right behind the statue

When you first join the server, you start as a Third Class Peasant and work your way up. Until then, make me a painting of pigs on a beach.

RIP! My computer did something strange with textures now all my saves are gone
« Last Edit: November 08, 2015, 11:57:28 PM by Mace 2 »

mace is Donald Annoying Orange comnfirmned

0/10 not enough gold or shinyness.

You should press either f4 or f5 next time to get ride of the reticle when taking pics next time.