Author Topic: The Sacred Order of The Harvest.  (Read 398961 times)

Only one way to be sure.

tony I'd recommend you ignore him. just do it please, he might stop

He'll necrobump when it stops.

He'll necrobump when it stops.
well guess itll never stop
why do you not want it to be necrobumped you can just ignore it

Stop messaging and maybe we wont bump

Stop messaging and maybe we wont bump

Good plan.

Except when it got bumped after a year of no messaging.

Just a reminder this is tablesalt's fault.

yeah silly tablesalt, look what you did!

He'll necrobump when it stops.
is locking the thread out of the question? i think you might like his bumps :eyes:

my bad, i just noticed the OP is a different account. ignore me

I'd lock it if I could

Can you forgetimg not put dog references in here

You aren't funny please stop.