
Ive put up our closing sign, Should we close this down forever?

No dont, its fun

Author Topic: Avatar Forum games is now permantly Closed.  (Read 21934 times)

There is a locking poll
Choose to keep this alive or this --->
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 12:13:46 AM by RACCOONNEER1214 »

I'm new.
Also, i love this idea.

Last time i made a Fourm Subway, people flamed all over it. Hopefully that dosent happen here.

how do i uh

paste myself in
Basicly Save the image, then save your avatar picture and then open paint then copy it and paste it in and done.

Basicly Save the image, then save your avatar picture and then open paint then copy it and paste it in and done.
i know but then the image is too small

Click on the picture then you see the blue name of it on the bottom. The blue words are the download.

Illegal memedealer in the hood :^)

God damnit Cone,you didn't edit mine. nvm, I don't think we have to edit the newest one.

I can't afford a house :(

You can crash at my place.

I can't afford a house :(
Ok i built you a tree house with a luxury interior.

I was left out of the image