Author Topic: What is your favorite kind of pizza?  (Read 1113 times)

My favorite is cheese.

Meat-lovers minus pepperoni.

Okay, so I like a pizza loaded with chicken and sweetcorn, as well as some extra cheese.
Brie goes quite well on a pizza, by the way, although it's a little messy when done, and being a soft cheese, it's hard to cover a pizza with it evenly, as you can't grate it, and it's an awkward thing to chop up into plenty of thin pieces.

I also require some form of garlic dip, or garlic mayonnaise, in order to finish the crusts.
And preferably, I have a thin pizza, not cooked too crispy.

Meat-lovers minus pepperoni.
This is my second choice really.

cheese with extra cheese

actually bacon, extra cheese and pepperoni.
I call it the meat forgetfest.


can I say "all of them"?

bacon, pepperoni, mushrooms, and sausage

Bacon pepperoni and sausage combo
