Author Topic: Weird things your parents have said  (Read 1719 times)

"We will deflower you to Rocky Horror Picture Show one day, and you can bring all your lady friends too"
 Thanks mom

stop jerking off while im talking
-mom 2015

"i want to go onto my son's pc and play blockland and pretend to be him!"

"i want to go onto my son's pc and play blockland and pretend to be him!"

this happened

"i want to go onto my son's pc and play blockland and pretend to be him!"
ur a moron

"i want to go onto my son's pc and play blockland and pretend to be him!"
nobody loving says that idiot

Is that the only one you found strange

the other ones were freaking weird

but a direct request from his dad to look at his snake

no thanks

what about plucking his loving pubes

"Son you could've just jerked off when we went to sleep."

-Dad when he though I was fapping when I was really just scratching far up my thigh, 2015

Use the thing to put the thing in the thing! - my mom almost all the time.

when i was 13 my dad told me he plucks my pubic hairs and saves them in a jar

my mom also told me something similar, but she apparently collects all our teeth

any time i sneezed more than 3 times, my parents would either tell me they were selling me to the circus or feeding me to the dog

my dad regularly asked me to look at his pecker

and plenty other crazy shenanigans
you make it sound like a sitcom

"who's megaman exactly?"-my dad.

"Is sans the one who cooks spaghetti and talks in the papyrus font?" - Dad.

"Is sans the one who cooks spaghetti and talks in the papyrus font?" - Dad.

I wouldn't believe this without any context.