no one because i'm not a meanie like you guys
people vote for me because my actions of like the last two weeks really pissed people offi dont see how that makes me eligible for the entire year
So not only did akio say he cant be one of the nominations he decides to add a bunch of his own?Looks like someone doesn't know how to do vote topics correctly.
Here's my list so far: KhanustufflordSetroProdigy LSD ( Resolute Gamer )FarmerSugarProdigy anyoneMaxxMoltenkittenRiki2321gamerIbanLord TonyXeidiousAkioNalSponge808Utsuho Reiju ( Clownfish )IkeTheGenericMaxwell.Steve5451CThat Blue CreeperDragonoidSlayerJeetlorEagle517TumbleweedSanctus RemYexicon (Cca)Electrk nominations pls
Thank you but this is the wrong thread this is supposed to be worst not the greatest m8
Hm probably because of the research spam and master server spam?stufflord are you an idiotLike the on guy that didn't need to be questioned